BIDEN'S FAULT? Republicans Blame Anti-Trump Rhetoric for the Shooting!

Our first post-assassination attempt questions are back, and whoo boy! A lot of people think Trump's opponents are to blame for the shooting. Also, believe it or not, by a two to one margin, American likely voters agree with "MAGA extremist" JD Vance.

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コメント (9)
  • Do you really expect the MSM to take responsibility for their incitement? That's why the MSM try to sweep their culpability under the rug as fast as possible.
  • I can readily prove that I donated five times to the Kennedy campaign, although I am reluctant to share my VISA information. An American born and raised (for demographic purposes), I am now voting for Trump. My wife, 13 years my junior, and an immigrant from Far East Asia, is also now voting for Trump. It would be interesting to see how our switching stacks up to other likely voters.
  • @Orens80s
    I think a helpful question to further ask is to query whether. in light of the assassination attempt, for those who do not vote often whether they are now more motivated to vote, or are now determined to vote, because of the assassination attempt. Why ask? Because in the most recent NY Times/Siena poll for Pennsylvania, in the crosstabs, it shows that of those who did not vote in the 2020 election, 52% favor Trump (as opposed to 29% for Biden). This question should shed more light on projected turnout, which is a focus area for the Trump campaign to motivate low propensity GOP voters to come out and vote
  • The disconnect among democrats on the last question is that while they agree with Vance, they believe Trump is dangerous so they don't object to him being killed.
  • @kurtl4761
    Someone had made an interesting comment: Trump's speech in Butler, PA, was the only one livestreamed by CNN. But, did CNN have live coverage of the speech? I can't find any confirmation online.
  • Have you recently polled which if any demographics think they were wrong to believe what they did about covid?... Have they changed their minds about covid?
  • @N192K001
    Wow, on attributing the attempt to mental-health (40%) or rhetoric (41%) is definitely within the industry-standard 3% margin-for-error of each other. I also blame the incitement speech of anti-Trump pundits. That 61% actually agreed with Vance' specific statement (given the cited 41% for the general attriution) is stunning.