Man Builds Real-Life SHIPS at Scale to the Last Detail | Hyperrealistic Replicas by @alangomezcraft

Scale modeling, particularly of historical naval ships, serves as a rich educational pursuit that combines the study of history, culture, engineering, and artistry. Through detailed replicas of notable ships like HMS Victory, Santa María, and Dhow, Alan can explore various dimensions of maritime history, ship construction, and the socio-economic impacts associated with these vessels.

Each of these ships represents a distinct era and purpose in naval history, providing a window into the technological and cultural settings of their times. The HMS Victory, a warship from the 18th century, offers insights into the Age of Sail and British naval supremacy, emphasizing the tactical and technological advancements that defined naval warfare during the Napoleonic Wars. The construction of its scale model teaches about the complexity of warship design, including the armament layout, the robustness of its hull, and the intricacies of its sail rigging systems.

Are you ready to sail?

Youtube:    / @alangomezcraft  
Email: [email protected]

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コメント (21)
  • I don't have the patience for it. But my dad did when I was way younger. He bought blueprints from ships at antique shops to build these ships from scratch as well. He had his own little corner in a spare room, where he once or twice a week would hide in a workshop transformed cupboard 😂 1 tube light and magnifiers. He even made his own tools, like adjusted manual dentist drills to drill the tiniest holes in the wooden pulleys used to raise the sails or other things pulled up with pulleys. He used strings of sisal, which he would pull through his little tub with tar to put in between the woodwork on the outside of the ships. "Cause it smelled so real," he said... Proper master pieces that could take up a year or more to build. Made his own display cabinets with proper glass as well. All varnished. He was not a carpenter. Just a general manager at the main office of a warehouse chain. But this, his pencil drawings and paintings, was his way of blowing off steam. There was no internet at that time. Telly was just a few national channels. No mobiles!!!! Creativity is key... and patience! Pure natural skills developed after school. When there was time to be creative. That's how artists are created, I think.. 😊 Nice "simple" video about a very complex and time-consuming art.. Thanks....
  • @TheToekutter
    Why show a fake AI thumbnail when you LITERALLY have 29 minutes of footage of a guy building a REAL ship?
  • Kamu mengerjakan dengan rapi dan teliti.. Bagus . 👍👍👍
  • I am just in awe with this guy. I just returned to military model making kits after a 25yr break, and this stuff blows my mind. Just purely amazing to watch and so impressed at the logistics of it all.
  • I thought to myself, "I don't have time for a 30 minute video. I'll just watch 5 minutes". Yet here I am, 30 minutes on. My mouth still aghast to what I've just witnessed. That level of talent and patience is INSANE!!
  • Stunsail (studding sail) yards are NEVER lashed to the main yard, but are run out in , usually in iron hoops. These yards and sails are only set in very light conditions, and , in fact, rarely used.
  • @aysanovaliy
    Какая на самом деле долгая и кропотливая работа!!!
  • @mjac8373
    This guy is from another planet! Unbelievable craftsmanship and artistry. I'll never look down my nose again at anybody who bulds wooden boat models. Like DaVinci work like this requires a genious mind and what appears to be unlimited skill in many disciplines. thanks for posting! Love every minute.and I want a little wooden bucket like those he made...
  • @sergico777
    А есть ли в мире хотя бы один макет реального деревянного корабля, который копирует оригинал не только в мельчайших деталях, но и был сделан по всем правилам плотницкого дела: со всеми врубками, запилами и крепежом?🤔
  • @piratexs1021
    Восхищаюсь такими людьми это мечта детства 🔥
  • I had to watch this in its entirety. When one has this much passion for his art, and watching it come together, words could not express what the eyes were taking in.
  • Wow, I never knew technology could blend so seamlessly with traditional craftsmanship until I saw these Wood CNC machines in action
  • @archiwart3322
    Визуализация на высоком уровне очень приятно смотреть такие видео
  • My deepest respect and esteem at this point. I think there is a saying in aviation. “Landing is just a controlled crash.”. In terms of craftsmanship, you could say: “Craftsmanship is controlled damage.”. There were a few things that I would have done differently. In the end, it's the result that counts and the result is beautiful.