I didn't know that it was our last time together; playlist

Published 2023-05-15

All Comments (21)
  • So.. homeless once again, typing this at a shelter on terrible wifi. I've pretty much given up, my fiance left to go live with her parents who hate me, my family moved away and just left me here, it's taking everything in me not to end it all, I've lost more than anyone should ever have to. Lost my son to organ failure, lost my ride or die bff in a car accident, lost my Nanny to spinal cancer, my pets to either wild animals or old age, and slowly losing all will i have left. To whoever reads this, it's a cry for help. I doubt anyone will care or offer to get me out of this situation, therefore i don't think I'll make it through the week. My son was my life, my Nanny was my support, my fiance was my reason to smile, and my family was my reason to live. I hope whoever sees this has a better life than i did. Be safe, stranger.
  • @Mikki_lin
    I am haunted by thoughts that I will not pass the exam and disappoint my parents and teachers at school. I want to cry, I'm so weak because I can't cope.. I don't leave a text about my problems on the Internet, but can I trust you and do it at least once here? This place seems safe (I am surprised that so many people have written me a text as a support. I am pleased that there are kind people who give advice or just support. Its very nice) thanks to all the people who wrote comforting comments for me under this comment
  • @LoloSandag
    I tell myself that I shouldn't be this sad Afterall, how can you lose someone that was never yours to begin with?
  • @lylidaily
    Don’t be sad because it ended… be happy because it happened ❤️‍🩹
  • @Keira05916
    Tomorrow, my mom will have been gone for one month. She passed away 2 weeks before her birthday, and six days after my brother’s. I blame myself, that I could have done more, that I could have stopped it. That day, we worked together, she was happy, I came home with her, and she was excited for her new side job, and I was the last person to see or speak to her that night. I miss her. Sometimes I forget and go in her room to say hi, or go to the pharmacy to bring her snacks and chocolate, but she’s gone. And I’m left alone with all of the expectation, hope, and work. I don’t know how to do this without you Mom, you were always there and helped me throughout my entire life. But I’ll keep my promise. I won’t give up, I’ll live for you
  • @zensokovich4179
    i dreamed about a life full of love and warmth . Ive been alone for 25 years but this playlist gave me the same kind of warmth im looking for. i hope one day ill show this beautiful song pack to someone i will love.
  • @imaloingorl
    0:18 Je Te Laisserai Des Mots by Patrick Watson 2:39 Where's My Love by SYML 6:43 To Build a Home (feat. Patrick Watson) by The Cinematic Orchestra 12:56 Color Me Blue by Akané 16:08 Fourth of July by Sufjan Stevens 20:42 Quiet Resource by Evelyn Stein
  • @loganmpi8499
    Today is 4/25/2024, we broke up in 23 february, and we ve been toghether since 1st of september 2023 .5 months, and you probably think ''it s not even that much'' .There was only 3 nights we didn t sleep toghether, or in a call .5 months and we've been through so much together .5 months and yet not even a quarrel .Everything was perfect, like i was living in a dream .THen suddenly, she lost feelings .I could sense that from a mile away, a week before we broke up .Everytime i asked her, she said she was tired of work.We was at the gym, and i got into a fight with one of her friends .She knew her for like 3 or 4 months .Before going to the gym, i stopped the car in the middle of the road and told her to kiss me if she loves me anymore and if she loves me like she did in the beggining .She did .I came home from the gym, I have apologized to her, and she hit me with a long break up text .That moment i lost it, i had a panic attack, alone, in my room .She don t know .I begged her in tears to not leave and she did, like i was nothing to her .She told me she can t have a releationship right now, and she want to be alone for some long time .2 weeks later, she was with a boy .I came home, i smiled to my mother and told her i m sleepy and i m not hungry, went to my room and burst into tears .She don t know .A day before I got a tattoo, with a quote she gave me on 14 february saying "Kiss me under the stars and make us last forever" .We loved to watch the stars toghether .I promise her i will tattoo a phrase from her favorite movie, Three steps above heaven .I did .She don t know that .She doesen t know anything i m going through right now, after months since we last spoke to eachother .I m trying to get over it, but for some reason i can t.And i m tired .I understand that we will never speak to eachother again, i m never going to hug her, not even for a final time .I just want to forget everything, and be normal again .
  • @littlegirl9336
    To my future self..... Hey! How are you? How have you been? I hope you are doing good now. I just want to you to know that you are perfect, awesome, kind, and so more!! Ik you have been through a lot but just be happy whenever you can because you failed to protect your past self. But i am proud of you now!! You did it!! You finally made it!! You are looking beautiful! You are soo awesome. Don't be sad again because being sad is not the solution to cure your depression, so always be happy and playful. Even tho you faked your happiness all the time in the past I want you to have that happiness as your real happiness now, be the best version of your self!! Be the person you always wanted to be! I know you can do it and YOU WILL DO IT!!! For both of us!💖
  • @user-mx4ro3kw2x
    To whoever is reading this, I want you to know that you’re incredible, seriously you are. If you’re going through anything right now I’ll be by your side the whole way even if we haven’t met in real life because I care about you. You can’t go through shit on your own love, it slowly kills you and I don’t want to lose such a talented, beautiful, kind, and amazing person. I don’t want you to lose yourself because of a few words that someone has said to you because I’ve been there and you feel absolutely hopeless but love, try your hardest to escape this darkness and look for the light. It’s okay to cry, it’s okay to be upset but it’s never okay to suffer in silence. Talk to someone love, talk to me, I’m right here. Ending things is not worth it babes I’m so proud of how far you’ve come and how you’ve stayed so strong through everything that’s happened to you. You deserve to feel loved and cared for. This is a safe place angel, I love you more than words can describe. You honestly deserve the world gorgeous you’re more than enough I promise. Don’t beat yourself up over your regrets and past mistakes because everyday is a new day. Don’t let your intrusive thoughts get to you, you are worthy, you are NOT useless, you are NOT ugly, you are NOT fat or too skinny, you are NOT unwanted, you are NOT a problem, you are NOT annoying, you are NOT dumb, I’m so glad that YOU exist and that you are here on the faces of this earth. Don’t give up on life just because you think it is for the best, it’s not trust me. Don’t spend your life wishing you were someone else because YOU, YES YOU are one in a million, you are worth more than any type of currency in this world. I need you to keep going in life and don’t give up, for me, please promise me :). I wish I could hug you right now and tell you that it is going to be okay, I would much rather have you ranting to me for hours than losing you, you’re the most precious person in the world, I need you to believe me. Your feelings, opinions, and thoughts are all valid my angel. Don’t be afraid to use your voice and stand up for yourself. You know you have some great music taste, right? Music helps you get through anything, am I right? You relate to those lyrics, don’t you? That’s okay beautiful, you will always be worth it. Your smile brightens my day instantly love, I hope you know that. You are not a burden, I love you forever. I’m so sorry that no one has noticed that you cry yourself to sleep each night, I’m so sorry that no one hears you, I’m so sorry that you’ve lost yourself because of everyone around you. I hate to see you so hurt and broken, I wish I could take that pain away from you. Take a deep breath, you're doing so well. Drink some water and eat my angel, take care of yourself and your mental health.
  • @mahash_mahash
    I didn’t know that I was hearing my dad’s laugh for the last time.... I didn’t know...Soon it will be a year since he passed away
  • @loviees511
    this playlist sounds like the feelings of watching my younger sister grow up without me or mum - only being able to share pure moments together through a screen. Money is tight, never know when we will gather up as a family again. As an older sister, I’ve always wanted to sit her down and brush her hair while telling her about my day. Due to heavy family issues, we were separated 7 years ago, she was 2 and I was 7. There’s a lot that goes through whenever I think about her, a little girl who never got to experience girlhood. :(
  • @vigilanteboi
    This playlist for me is about friends that I have lost and won't ever see again
  • @Jjukiiih
    I've been listening to this since my mother passed away, I miss her every day and every night, for me she didn't die, I wait for her every day of mine, in fact for adults (some) Having depression and anxiety and being cold, I tried twice to throw myself in front of a car....I never vented but I feel like here I can 🙌..
  • @himabindu7292
    Hi stranger !! Whatever you are going through just dont give up ! If u do it then what is the purpose of life . Hope u find another purpose in your life you will fond a new star in the darkness and a new u that straggling to get out and just be the best ... i will cheer you onn !! Be happy and find a new purpose because if u dont do it others might have to experience what its like to loose u .. so live for others around u who need u more than u doo !! Dont give up remember hope is the only thing can change anything in ur life to something beautifull and make ur life something that is worth fighting for!! ❤️ dont give up TRUST ME IN THIS !! u will make it u always do !!
  • @janmiller7211
    To whoever reads this, I love you ❤ I love your smile I love your laugh I love your personality I love your looks I love your face I love your hair (or lack thereof) I love your insecurities I love your failures I love your accomplishments I love your eyes I love your voice I love your handwriting (or the way you communicate) I love the way you dance I love you on your sad days I love you on your happy days I love you on the days you feel lonely I love you on the days you feel hopeless I love you on the days you feel helpless I love you on the days you feel like no one cares I love you on the days you feel forgotten I love you on the you feel unmotivated I love you on the days you feel motivated I love you on the days you feel loved I love you on the days you feel unloved I love you on the days you feel sick I love you on the days you feel hopeful I love you on the days you feel tired I love you on the days you feel crazy I love you on the days you feel depressed I love you on the days you feel stressed I love you on the days you feel anxious I love you on the days you feel cuddly I love you on the days you feel clingy I love you on the days you feel amazing I love you on the days you feel beautiful I love you on the days you feel like a failure I love you on the days you feel angry I love you on the days you feel aggressive I love you on the days you feel horrible I love you on the days you feel safe I love you on the days you feel unsafe I love you on the days you feel vulnerable I love you on the days you feel weird I love you on the days you feel okay I love you when you’re unhealthy I love how you sing (or hum or feel the music) I love your taste in music I love your taste in tv shows I love your taste in movies I love the way you move I love the way you act I love you when you cry I love you when you’re kind I love you when you’re mean I love you when you’re alone I love you when you can’t feel I love you when you feel too much I love you when you feel like it’s too much I love you when you can’t take life anymore I love you when you’re asleep I love your nightmares I love your dreams I love how you believe I love you when you hate yourself I love you when you love yourself I love you when you don’t believe in yourself I love the way you think I love your problems I love your solutions I love how you support I love your pain I love your promises I love your secrets I love your attitude I love your sass I love your creativity I love your hand gestures I love your scars I love your stories I love your wounds I love your past I love your future I love your present I love your outfits I love your style I love your art I love your honesty I love you when you lie I love you when your energetic I love how you cook I love your bravery I love when you’re adventurous I love your imperfections I love your perfections I love your flaws I love you when you talk(or communicate) I love your opinions I love when you help others I love when you need help I love when you’re immature I love you when you’re mature I love you in the hard times I love you in the easy times I love you when life is meh I love you when you’re responsible I love you when you’re irresponsible I love you when you fight I love you in your darkest moments I love you in your brightest moments I love your heart I love you in the day I love you in the night I love you at midnight I love you at your best I love you at your worst I love the little things you do I love you when your silly I love you when your nice I love you when you’re you And I love every other thing about you that I didn’t list. I love you. (This is not mine but you can also copy this to makes someone’s day) I love your laugh I love your personality I love your looks I love your face I love your hair (or lack thereof) I love your insecurities I love your failures I love your accomplishments I love your eyes I love your voice I love your handwriting (or the way you communicate) I love the way you dance I love you on your sad days I love you on your happy days I love you on the days you feel lonely I love you on the days you feel hopeless I love you on the days you feel helpless I love you on the days you feel like no one cares I love you on the days you feel forgotten I love you on the you feel unmotivated I love you on the days you feel motivated I love you on the days you feel loved I love you on the days you feel unloved I love you on the days you feel sick I love you on the days you feel hopeful I love you on the days you feel tired I love you on the days you feel crazy I love you on the days you feel depressed I love you on the days you feel stressed I love you on the days you feel anxious I love you on the days you feel cuddly I love you on the days you feel clingy I love you on the days you feel amazing I love you on the days you feel beautiful I love you on the days you feel like a failure I love you on the days you feel angry I love you on the days you feel aggressive I love you on the days you feel horrible I love you on the days you feel safe I love you on the days you feel unsafe I love you on the days you feel vulnerable I love you on the days you feel weird I love you on the days you feel okay I love you when you’re unhealthy I love how you sing (or hum or feel the music) I love your taste in music I love your taste in tv shows I love your taste in movies I love the way you move I love the way you act I love you when you cry I love you when you’re kind I love you when you’re mean I love you when you’re alone I love you when you can’t feel I love you when you feel too much I love you when you feel like it’s too much I love you when you can’t take life anymore I love you when you’re asleep I love your nightmares I love your dreams I love how you believe I love you when you hate yourself I love you when you love yourself I love you when you don’t believe in yourself I love the way you think I love your problems I love your solutions I love how you support I love your pain I love your promises I love your secrets I love your attitude I love your sass I love your creativity I love your hand gestures I love your scars I love your stories I love your wounds I love your past I love your future I love your present I love your outfits I love your style I love your art I love your honesty I love you when you lie I love you when your energetic I love how you cook I love your bravery I love when you’re adventurous I love your imperfections I love your perfections I love your flaws I love you when you talk(or communicate) I love your opinions I love when you help others I love when you need help I love when you’re immature I love you when you’re mature I love you in the hard times I love you in the easy times I love you when life is meh I love you when you’re responsible I love you when you’re irresponsible I love you when you fight I love you in your darkest moments I love you in your brightest moments I love your heart I love you in the day I love you in the night I love you at midnight I love you at your best I love you at your worst I love the little things you do I love you when your silly I love you when your nice I love you when you’re you And I love every other thing about you that I didn’t list. I love you. (This is not mine but you can also copy this to makes someone’s day)
  • @ahmedyasser3024
    I wake up every day feeling like my heart is gonna pop out of my chest (literally not hypothetically). Memories are haunting me every day sad ones make me feel sad and the good ones make feel terrible. For whoever reading this please please just pray for me.
  • @X-dream
    I am kind of proud of this little community. Proud of the people that have the strength to talk about nightmares that keep them up at night and proud of the ones reading those messages and replying so others know they're not alone ❤
  • @adenova6260
    My dog recently passed away, and it's been hard coping without her. Her cuddles, her kisses, the way she would run off to grab a toy to play tug of war.. it's still difficult to process that I can't do those things with her anymore. She was the light through my depression and made every day brighter when she was around. I miss her so much. Listening to this helps.Thank you for making this playlist.