Democracy and Freedom: A Conversation with Condoleezza Rice

George W. Bush Presidential Center Engage event, October 10, 2017. Introduction by President George W. Bush.

Former Secretary of State and bestselling author, Dr. Condoleezza Rice discusses her latest book, Democracy: Stories from the Long Road to Freedom, an account of the global struggle for democracy and why America must continue to support the cause of human freedom.

With moderator Dana Perino of Fox News Channel, Dr. Rice shares her experiences as a policymaker, scholar, and citizen and offer insights into today’s most important foreign policy issues.

コメント (21)
  • I vote democratic most of the time but I tell you I would vote for Dr. Rice in a heartbeat. She is the type of conservative that need to stand up and take back their party. Take it back from the extreme right . Just as the democrat’s have fight to keep the party out of the hands of the extreme left. Extreme either way is not what America is or stands for.
  • Many Americans think the former Secretary of State Rice is the treasure of America. She accumulated much of her leadership experiences may be very helpful for our learning opportunities and experiences.
  • Thank you ,in behalf of the Generation born after January 2002❤ God Speed to All of Them John Barnett revisited October 2023
  • Incha Allah we vote for you To continue the mission of civilisation. Best Wishes. ABABACAR SADIKH NIANG
  • I deeply admire and respect Dr. Rice for her moral and ethical standards. And she’s even beautiful 😊
  • Happy birthday Dr. C. Rice...Nov 14. God bless you always. Thank you for your service.
  • Thank you president bush and other who participate this event so iwanna tell you blacks and whites were equal and live together in peace so we must work for how to right all of them because who we are we all human being olso we are same olso we are one nation ican say we are one family there fore why u helping to others who needs for helping that is good for us.after that u can get me easily because iam living at at airport but it needs more honest towtowards us so it should be shame us if u can't solve for two persons iwounderful what is wrong America is a large country all can be solve that problem idont know what is wrong with it but miss rice knew in something wrong but you should try to wine this situation it's a good lastly u should understand the meaning of problem it must be bass to that problem really u Ara great up we were tired. Thanks alot
  • @Jupe367
    I really admire Dr. Condoleeza Rice. She is someone I look up to.