Vicious YouTubers!

Published 2015-02-12
$100 Self-Heating Greenhouse Plans Are UP!…

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All Comments (21)
  • @neesiedavis4062
    Remember, there are trollers out there whose sole mission in life is to be mean. Stinks that someone as nice as you has to deal with meanness. There are way more people out there that love you!
  • Trolls never make videos. They destroy, and tear down instead of trying to create, and trying to help people. Thanks for sharing.
  • @StBernardAcres
    Well, as a Christian, allow me to inform you, I am flawless lol.  The more popular you get, the more meanness you will encounter.  Jealousy and envy are a major driving force in peoples comments.  No need to second guess what or how you do something.  If you have to second guess yourself, don't do it :).  My channel is more for me than it is for anyone else.  I don't do it for the money,  it's so I can look back on my journey of making a homestead.
  • you appear to be real and honest. If you don't have haters you wouldn't be doing somethings right. be true to who you are and please don't feel like you have to apologize ever for being the real you. you never have to justify being a real person. none of us are perfect. be easy on yourself. Blessings and love.
  • Woman, you are incredible, flaws and all. You are loved, flaws and all. Remember that!
  • @kerinaumann1392
    I love your channel because you are a real person, and don't try to cover imperfections. Imperfections are a part of life, of family and of farming. Keep on being you, and some of us will love you because we understand what it is to be a real imperfect person and some people won't but that's how it goes... Thanks for all the amazing videos!!
  • Be good to yourself, take a break to recharge your battery. Be careful who you let in. Block the trolls.
  • @daniellassander
    As an atheist i loved this video! Not because you attack christians in your opening remark, but because its very honest and heartfelt.
  • @jnrowell36
    Your videos have been inspiring for my wife and I who aspire to homesteading ourselves. Don't let people get you down.
  • I think you have to grow Teflon skin when you have a Youtube channel so the mud slides right off. Do not despair. Please be yourself. That is what makes your channel so great.
  • @b.war.8651
    I know this was posted some time ago but I have to share that you are an inspiring young woman in my opinion.To be so real,open and share your weaknesses and areas you're working on is rare... and sharing this with perfect strangers I give you kudos! Some often put on a mask of "perfection".... even having such pride in thinking their children are "perfect" and can never do wrong. So it is refreshing to hear another mother admit her children are human as well as herself. Well, I can say you have a new fan in me. I hope you have kept with this because I look forward to catching up on your videos. ;) Blessings xo
  • @miamisweets
    I love an appreciate that you are real! It's a difficult endeavor, and you should be very proud of all you've accomplished. You're sharing real life :). Keep on keeping on, you're so helpful and have taught us a lot, so know that your subs appreciate all you offer :)!
  • @ayla1316
    As one who believes in Christ I am so sick of "Christians" who think THEY are the ones who can walk on water and shame on the rest of us for not measuring up to their standards. I love watching your channel. I found you while researching permaculture and homesteading and in your videos have found so much more. Thank you for showing us you, that you're not an expert, you're not perfect, you're learning and growing as we all should be. I hope you know how much we appreciate you and that you feel loved and supported enough to at least balance the nasty comments, and hopefully it tips more to the side of love.
  • @mandytpatrick
    This is one of your best videos. You are talking to us as your friends. You are raw and vulnerable and this is what we need more of. Your video quality was spectacular yet simplistic and your beauty & soul is witnessed. I love the slightly longer video rather than the little snippets that have been posted. It allows me to see more detailed picture. I agree that perhaps certain days can be focused on different aspects of your life on your farm.
  • @Jaxence
    I'm so glad you didn't quit. I only found you a month ago, and it would be a real loss to my journey if you had stopped. We only started homesteading last year, and I have so much to learn. Thank you for continuing your videos.
  • I have just found your channel and you have been a big help and inspiration to our family. Thank you for continuing making videos and sharing your information!!
  • @pjwpsw1
    Your effusiveness is greatly appreciated. Don't apologize to anyone for your true feelings... ever!!!! We all have a persona we try to project to others but when you a a camera into the mix for the purpose of others entertainment, the rules on decorum are tossed out the window. Never apologize for being a good mom, wife or friend!!!
  • @AmerijamAcres
    Wranglerstar did a video on this. The reason people hate Christians. He said the same thing. The most mean and hateful comments he gets start with "as a Christian". It is very sad how those who claim to be following Christ are the worst example for people to see. Don't let the trolls get to you.
  • @roxyie1122
    as a Christian, I can emphatically state that for every finger pointed at another, three others point to the self. a good Christian works only themselves and their own pitfalls, and the one finger pointed elsewhere is a loving, guiding finger. I'm terribly sorry you've been hurt by these so-called Christians. please don't worry about them, they won't be in Heaven.. they do not know Christ!
  • @Thefreshp
    You are brave and lovely Julianne, just as you are. I really look forward to working with you. Normally I don't share my opinions of other's videos, but since you asked me my reaction to this video I'll share this: Unless someone is out there making videos, I don't take their criticism, I save that for fellow creators/movie makers/cooks. I've also been told to remove videos because I was upset in them and they "sullied my body of work." I'm with you in the good bad and the ugly. Real = connections, polished and shiny = disconnection. When given the chance, I will choose connection. If someone makes a suggestions and offers up a solution or a possible new approach, I welcome that. My subs are so smart and creative and thoughtful that I learn TONS from them. From my experience, hateful comments come from one of two places: young boys and 'Christians'. The boys are vulgar, the 'Christians' are hateful. I make it a choice to see them as they are, hurt people trying to hurt people and I try my hardest not to participate in their hurting. Ram Dass so beautifully said, "at the end of the day, we are all just walking each other home." We are all at different mile marker on this road of life, if I can help another along, encourage or love someone just a little bit, I've done my job. My job is not to go back and dip my toe into the pool of hatred and stupidity and it's certainly not my job to jump in and swim around with them. At least that is how I see it. I don't give them my time or my energy, I have more important work to do.