Tornadoes are Scary...

Published 2023-10-21
What's up Everyone! Finally a new tornado video! Halloween is coming up and I feel like few things are scarier than tornadoes. Thanks for watching!

Also If you’re ever injured in an accident, you can check out Morgan & Morgan. You can submit a claim in 8 clicks or less without having to leave your couch. To start your claim, visit:

Slight Error: I said 1976 Lindberg Kansas tornado when I meant to say 1973 Salina Kansas tornado. My b


Joplin Tornado Video - RODALCO2007
   • JOPLIN, MO,  Tornado, 22 May 2011  

Salina, Kansas Tornado, September 25, 1973
   • Salina, Kansas Tornado, September 25,...  

Fargo Tornadoes of June 20, 1957
   • Fargo Tornadoes of June 20, 1957 by T...  

Parkersburg Graduation Tornado:
   • Parkersburg Tornado: Graduation Party  

0:00 Scary Tornado Intro
1:58 Nature's Monster
3:47 Nocturnal Tornadoes
4:00 1980 Grand Island Night Tornadoes
5:15 1984 Barneveld Wisconsin Tornado
6:14 Rain Wrapped Tornadoes
6:31 Creepy Tornado Photos
7:34 Morgan and Morgan Ad
8:44 Scary Vintage Tornado Videos - Kansas and Fargo
9:36 Dark Tornado Safety Videos
10:25 The Tornado Anticipation Phase
11:30 The Approach Phase
12:38 Creepy Tornado Sirens
13:20 Joplin Tornado Video
15:22 Tornado Safety Guide

#tornado #scary #weather

All Comments (21)
  • @SwegleStudios
    Finally a new tornado video! What are some of the scariest tornado events you can think of?? Also If you’re ever injured in an accident, you can check out Morgan & Morgan. You can submit a claim in 8 clicks or less without having to leave your couch. To start your claim, visit:
  • @TheSomeone231
    As a person from the Midwest, going through a tornado is a seriously scary event, but after a few years it becomes routine to just go to the basement and hope.
  • @Jli777
    As someone from Oklahoma, we call this situation "Tuesday"
  • As a Kansan, there are two things we watch for. No wind. No birds. Those two things combined = go inside. Otherwise you're outside with a drink watching the sky be angry. Every single thing about the life cycle of a severe storm is animalistic and alive. They are fascinating, terrifying and mesmerizing.
  • @carly881
    5:41 Terrifying moments of my life. I was sick and was at home, watching over my animals and watching the news when they issued the warning. I was terrified. My mom and dad were on a date, it was their anniversary, I couldn't contact them..absolutely terrifying when you were just 9/10 years old, your sister out somewhere, your parents gone, and living in a mobile home with no shelter. The sound of it still haunts me to this day.
  • Honestly, the weather alert tone scares me more than actual tornadoes. Watching the radar as the storm progresses is interesting to me.
  • @grapeshot
    My grandfather survived the Gainesville Georgia tornado of 1936. He would go on to serve in a field artillery regiment in Italy during World War II but he told my mom that he never saw destruction in World War II like he saw in Gainesville Georgia when that monstrous tornado went through there.
  • @thatonegrill6070
    The video of the people riding out the Joplin tornado in the cooler will forever be the scariest tornado video. It absolutely captures everyone's feelings of impending doom and the sound of the wind is so intense. I hope all survivors are doing okay today 🙏
  • @ryanfreer77
    I read the book, Night of the Twisters when I was a kid back in 1985. It was one of the things that began my total fascination with tornados, along with my aunt’s own personal story. She was carried up in a tornado that destroyed her family farm just outside of Austin, Texas when she was a girl. A terrifying experience for her that she miraculously survived, after being lofted and dropped more than 2 miles away....all while only sustaining a scratch and a bruise. It’s crazy how such things occur with tornados. They’ll sweep homes off their foundations, wrap cars around trees, drive straw through light posts; but leave a table neatly set with chinaware completely intact. Truly astonishing, and often as unexplainable as the supernatural.
  • @negan2714
    Another thing about a tornado hitting you is the massive pressure change. Your ears will pop A LOT. So if you have tinnitus or any kind of issue with your ears you're in for a rough time.
  • @SoCal780
    As a truck driver who drives primarily at night, it has always been my worst nightmare to drive unknowingly into a nocturnal tornado. This is why I have the MyRadar app on my phone. It alerts me of just about any type of weather event like thunderstorms, snow storms, and yes, tornado warnings. I’ve also been to Joplin, Grand Island, and Greensburg many times during my travels. I never even knew that Grand Island had ever been hit by a tornado before. You sure can’t tell now. Happy Halloween!
  • @CarterKench
    Can I just say I’m obsessed with your channel
  • @finalgirl640
    I had a legitimate phobia of storms and tornadoes when I was a kid. Caught major crap at school for it too. Every time there was a thunderstorm, I would take my prized posessions and move them down to the basement and just be sick with anxiety. Now as an adult I adore thunderstorms and find them atmospheric and soothing. I havent experienced a tornado yet, and I'm not so sure I'd want to though. As a horror fanatic I appreciate your reference to Michael Myers. Never thought of that before. Good work.
  • I'm a huge tornado fanatic but I can't deny that tornadoes do pop up in my nightmares. They're terrifying forces of nature, but that's part of what makes them so intriguing. I've never seen one in person, but the rotation that'd become an EF4 in 2019 had gone right over our house, and we felt/heard it. I can't describe it, but there was definitely a pressure change and wind shift that caught our attention. My family can never agree on anything, especially dinner, but we all collectively looked at each other and bolted for the hallway without a word. Had it been a proper tornado at that stage, it'd of been too late for us to take shelter, and I think I'm the only one who really realized that, my parents don't take warnings seriously to this day.
  • @ZenTheRando
    Something about imagining tornadoes before human civilization creeps me out. An empty field with nothing but mountains and woods in the distance, absolutely nothing to be heard besides the pouring rain and wind with this huge twister slowly cruising across the land. Unnerving..
  • @azuranox
    The El Reno Tornado of May 2013 will forever give me chills. Just seeing the footage of storm chasers and listening to recollections from their experiences made it seem as if a living breathing entity of terror descended upon the earth.
  • @Cooodin
    This man single handedly revived my childhood obsession with tornadoes. I can’t stop watching! I love the mysticism of these wonders/freaks of nature
  • @kellyblack4897
    My son and I slept through a tornado once. Here in east Texas they happen a lot. After sitting up for watch conditions until about 1 am we finally went to bed. I had a vivid dream we were in the yard and saw a freight train going through the sky. The next morning we found out a tornado touched down on state highway 154 moving west and went about a half mile from the house. Now, when watches come later, I drink coffee and stay up.
    I am from Nebraska and in 3rd grade Night of the Twisters was a book our teacher read to us. Needless to say it was like a horror novel to us, considering how much we prepare for tornadoes in school drills, being woken up every first Saturday of the month in tornado season by the testing of the sirens, and just experiencing them. Luckily I have never lost anyone or anything to them but as a child the fear like a horror movie really was there, and to an extent still is, even if it becomes just routine for the season as an adult.
  • @crypt1dcupid
    I just got hit by a tornado and huge thunderstorm last night, and the accuracy of that intro scene is crazy-