The US Passport is Getting Worse

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In this video, we explain why the US passport is losing its power and what it means for American travelers. For eight years in a row, the Nomad Passport Index has been published, ranking passports based on factors like visa-free travel, taxation, personal freedom, and global perception. Shockingly, this year, the US passport has hit one of its lowest scores ever.

00:00 Start
00:30 Top Ranking Passports and US Position
2:14 Impact of New ETIAS Requirements
4:18 Factors Affecting US Passport Ranking
7:50 Tit for Tat Visa Policies
11:21 Are You Ready for the New Opportunities?

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コメント (21)
  • @GwenSwan
    I agree 100% with this video. I'm Canadian but I grew up in the USA in Miami and did all my studies in the US. When my mother got sick with Cancer in Miami, she decided to go back to Canada for treatments because of socialized medicine. So I decided to go back to Canada to be with my Mom. But I still had to go back to the US to conduct my businesses. And each time I would cross the border the freaking US border administration would make my life soooo miserable that after being detained for 8 hours on several occasions and interrogated for hours for being a dual citizen and traveling back and forth and missing my flights and having to book last minutes flights again and having to stay in a hotel for an extra night and all these expenses that they forced me to incur and the waste of time they caused me and delays to my meetings and attending to my business, I've decided to burn it and forfeited my papers and citizenship. It's wasn't worth the trouble. These people have absolutely zero respect for the years of contribution I had given to their country. I have never set foot in the US ever again. Oh and moreover, because at the time I had forfeited my status, they banned me from entry into the US even if it was to catch a flight to go elsewhere in the world. So screw them. I hate the US . I'll never go back ever again.
  • This would be devastating, but remember 53% of Americans don’t have passports, so I’m sure there are a lot of Americans don’t care about traveling it Europe.
  • As a 23 year old American, I'm grateful that I am of age where I can actually make use of this information and leave this country within a calendar year. It's a shame that those younger than me will be forced to stay here as the Titanic sinks. I've never perceived this country as being on the incline in my entire lifetime
  • I travel often, mostly international trips. I use Mexican and US passports. The Mexican passport has become the most hassle-free one to use. I've applied for a Panamanian one, too.
  • Most of the US government's unfortunate interactions with other nations, especially over the last 30-40 years, has been driven by a desire to defend the world reserve currency status of the dollar, all the while destroying it through irresponsible economic, social and political policies. There is no need for a world reserve currency. If you looked at nearly every American's balance sheet, you would realize that having the reserve currency has made them poorer, not richer.
  • We told you two years ago that the US passport was getting worse: If you want to leave the US (or any other country) and want help legally escaping the tax net, getting residence permits and citizenship elsewhere, trust our experts to help: Watch our “Live Like a King” YouTube series to find surprising places you may want to move: Join us at Nomad Capitalist Live to meet 750+ like-minded people looking to Go Where You’re Treated Best:
  • Global perception matters. This is something that our western leaders need to understand. What they do impact citizens when we attempt to travel.
  • Sounds like it's easier to sneak into America and travel there legally.
  • @hbbstn
    After the debate last night
  • Just got my Cape Verdean passport as a backup 🤞🏾 appreciate the advice!
  • US citizen traveled to and from Europe and African Countries my inlaws live in Africa do not have all the "awful" and "nightmare" experiences mentioned in various comments.
  • Namibia is introducing visa requirements for 31 non-reciprocating countries, which include the U.S.
  • @NPgust
    Brazil operates its visa policy based on diplomacy. It's VERY difficult for Brazilians to even VISIT the U.S., why should Brazil allow American tourists to easily visit Brazil? I'm Brazilian and 2 years ago some of my family members applied for a tourist visa because they wanted to vacation at DisneyWorld in Florida. They paid a non-refundable amount of 300 US$ (very expensive to Brazilian standards), showed proof that they're not planning to overstay their visa and spent hours in line at the consulate just to be denied entry and be treated badly by the staff.
  • USA should be more open to educated people, that's what they aren't doing.
  • I have recently been told that in the fine print of the US passport, it says it can be taken away from you when ever the government wants. This guy randomly said this for no reason and even bothered to show me where it said. What other country threatens to take away your passport if they don't like you?
  • so true, I was suprised last saturday when I got denied boarding on a flight going to Africa with my US passport. they said tgey needed me to book a return ticket as well instead if one way ticket.
  • As most people miss, its not about how little taxes, its about the 'energy' of a place - the vibe