Fighting Blight in Baltimore

'The fight against blight is actually a fight for healthy, whole, vibrant communities’ — After seeing a group of kids playing near an unsafe demolition site, Baltimore resident Nneka N’namdi made it her mission to fight urban blight. Now, her org Fight Blight BMore is working to make the city safer.

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コメント (21)
  • I go to school in Baltimore (Morgan State) and more projects like this need to exist! Thank you for the coverage
  • Nneka Namdi is actually doing work in my city- thanks for covering this. Notice the city govt is in no way a part of this. Because blight is a purposeful action of our government.
  • At least she is starting somewhere. She is doing her part for the community. She is planting a seed of hope to uplift her community. Hopefully it will grow to inspire someone else to figure out how to flourish the community for those still there.
  • My whole family grew up in baltimore. The projects to be specifically. they still see the same things 40 years later and nothings changed. As a kid I always thought it was sad. And now graduating from college seeing the same thing I wonder how all my friends could move to all the wealthy areas of Baltimore (like fed hill….) and picture Baltimore life as that when there’s all these other run down communities that embody and surround bmore? It’s crazy and toxic and change needs to happen.
  • Nneka N'namdi is a genius & saint. communities across this nation need to study what she's doing & duplicate it. it just shows how important truly caring is.
  • @rahxe80
    I visited Baltimore,the first time 8 months ago and my jaw dropped when I saw the # of abandoned rundown homes . It was so weird staying in a nice luxury air bnb and literally around the corner there are rows of run down abandoned homes. It's nice to see people fighting to build their commun ity back up .
  • Real Talk... Thanks for being a part of the solution instead of being a part of the problem. Communities are what the people command and demand they be.
  • I work in the City and seeing this I am glad that orgs like this exist. Definitely will donate to this.
  • High taxes, high crime, poor education and corrupt local government leads to a declining population. Until these things change Baltimore will continue to decline and there is no indication that any reforms are coming .
  • That’s literally Trenton! I never knew that this had a name other than corruption. I’m really grateful for people like her working hard to destigmatize urban areas & revitalize these beautiful communities.
  • I'm from Baltimore, and sadly it's been like this since I can remember. Glad to see someone is trying to do something, because the higher-ups just don't care unless you publicly shame them, and sometimes even then they don't care.
  • @Ksb88
    With the amount of homeless and lack of affordable housing in this country it is just sicking to see so many abandoned homes.
  • @cowser67
    Want to do something of the same for Chicago. So much potential here amongst us.
  • One kinda funny thing I noticed when I moved to Baltimore was that sometimes they just put giant wooden struts to support buildings that are decaying and falling towards the sidewalk and street.
  • As a drunk I know personally those liquors store aren’t keeping themselves open