The GOP: Failure by Design - Razör Rants

Published 2024-06-18
"What's that? Rampant authoritarianism and tyranny?
Jimmy Olson! Fetch me my typewriter!"
—Superman, GOP Senator

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All Comments (21)
  • @alabama2uz
    Never, ever underestimate the Republicans ability to jerk a loss from the jaws of victory.
  • @deusflex3890
    GOP: "All we have to do to win 2024 is run nonstop ads of Biden plunging us to WWIII." Also GOP: "Please excuse us while we pass a bill to activate the draft."
  • @MDPToaster
    “Screaming and kicking Like a Bill Clinton dinner date“
  • @Dirk_the_Daring
    "Republicans are red and Democrats are blue. Neither side gives a single fuck about you." There is no functional difference between any pre-selected and bought politician you are allowed to choose.
  • “Ask anybody that has used a trough urinal.” I laughed so hard I woke my wife.
  • @kendiamond7852
    Trump usurping the Republican Party is Why I'm voting for him.
  • @mars___sumner
    This is what happens when a country has two “viable” political parties (and ask George Washington what he thought of those) that agree on the destination, but not the speed with which to get there
  • @Volper1
    I consider myself a student of history, and yet I find myself deeply dismayed at how little I actually know. How many lies I was taught were truth.
  • “The republicans job is told hold our heads while the democrats sharpen their swords.” Took me a LONG time to realize there’s no difference between republicans and democrats, better late than never as they say.
  • I remember when Bill Maher had guests on complaining how "DRuMPtf is destroying muh republican party! Why would you rightoids vote against your own interests!" Bold of you to assume that preserving the Republican party is in our interests.
  • @sRaczzimillion
    Taft Goldwater Ron Paul Trump All threatened the monoparty. But only Trump has the support to actually beat them. But of course he is still only one man, he is the foundation. Hopefully the beginning and not the end.
  • @Gamenofun
    When John McCain and Chris Murphy decided to hang out together in 2014 during the Lushenko ousting by the state department, what more evidence was needed to know these people are working together, and not for you.
  • About time people popularized the proper personification of the GOP, which is "We'll talk the talk and then screw you all over behind closed doors". Its been high time for a good 'ol perj for a WHILE!
  • @bcdside
    “I'll show you politics in America. Here it is, right here. ‘I think the puppet on the right shares my beliefs.’ ‘I think the puppet on the left is more to my liking.’ ‘Hey, wait a minute, there's one guy holding out both puppets!’” - Bill Hicks
  • @djay6651
    I have no problem being an insurgent inside the Republican party.
  • @Skiddull
    "Speddy Roosevelt" MURDERED me 💀💀💀
  • Fun fact about Taft. He actually busted far more trusts and monopolies than Teddy did.
  • @Gakusangi
    It's almost like the American people are sick of electing career politicians to political positions these days, almost like they don't want a definitely ruling class and instead want some representation or something.