Anarchism, Libertarian Socialism & Anarcho-Syndicalism (Noam Chomsky)

"Anarchism, Libertarian Socialism & Anarcho-Syndicalism: Workers' self-management and Democracy from below". Excerpts from "Conversations with History" (2003), "Beyond State Socialism" (2011), "Human Nature: Justice vs. Power" (1971) & "The Relevance of Anarcho-Syndicalism" (1976)

"The Relevance of Anarcho-Syndicalism" [full]:
audio:    • Noam Chomsky - The Relevance of Anarc...  

"Beyond State Socialism" [full]:
   • Motmakt: Noam Chomsky in Oslo 2011  

"Human Nature: Justice versus Power" [full]:
televised debate:    • Debate Noam Chomsky & Michel Foucault...  

"Conversations with History" [full]:
   • Noam Chomsky - Conversations with His...  


コメント (21)
  • "As far as my purely personal preferences went I would have liked to join the Anarchists." George Orwell - Homage to Catalonia page 116. Another good intro to the subject.
  • @dan_rtype
    "Anyone can have the word if they like." Love it, Noam.
  • In his interviews Noam often has such a gentle nature. He really wants to help people understand and is very happy to do so.
  • @Andy80o
    People should be able to control their own work. In order for that to be achieved, the economic institutions must be democratized. You’re free to mow someone’s lawn if you want to; the point is that people should have a say in the things that affect them. If you try to dismantle things that have been established by the people, then you will be stopped, of course.
  • @Andy80o
    In an unregulated capitalist society, wealth and power will primarily be concentrated in the hands of the financial elite and the corporations. That’s unacceptable. People should have a say in the things that affect them; the institutions in society must therefore be controlled democratically by the workforce and the communities.
  • @ufodeath
    @Kirk Aug, I would also point to the mondragon corporation based in spain, as it is the largest sydicalist (worker-cooperative) corporation with 100k worker-members.
  • As someone who started using YouTube regularly about 3 years ago, it's weird to see these old comments sections where the replies to comments were not made w/ the reply button (was it not a feature back then?)
  • @MrNuoo
    Danny Brown, what are you doing interviewing Noam Chomsky? I kid. Great video.
  • Anarchy is simply human organization without "government". "Government" is defined by its monopoly on coercion and violence. As George Washington himself said, "Government is not reason, it is not eloquence — it is force. Like fire it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master; never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action." Add to this the observation by Lord John Acton, "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." And we see the inherent danger in government; and the need to outgrow our childish need for the abusive "parent state". \\][//
  • No labels. Very simple . All policies implemented must be focused on the people , or how it will effect the people before anything else , and without exception ! Very simple .
  • Kirk Aug Valve software is an example. There's an interesting econtalk (podcast) where the now Greek finance minister is intrerviewed about that company (he used to work there) among other things.
  • @Andy80o
    It’s not that simple. The economy affects us all; it’s all-encompassing. The other things you mentioned did not make sense.
  • Right you are, comrade. He wrote about it not only in Homage to Catalonia but in Volume I of his collected essays. He even recommends Mairin Mitchell's book Storm over Spain. "Anyone who wants to know what Spanish Anarchism stands for, and the remarkable things it achieved...should read ch. 7 of Miss Mitchell's book." George Orwell, The Collected Essays; Volume I page 290-291. Ⓐ
  • I'm not a leftist, but I have alot of respect for Noam.
  • @aoeu256
    Is there anything stopping people from creating a anarcho-syndocalist company? You can use a democratic system with computer voting and auction off different jobs (including the organizing job) without having the duties specialized. Does anybody know what happened to these companies in the past?
  • @Poonard
    Libertarian Socialism is the perfect description for Anarchism. It is a state of being that attempts to eradicate the need for violence and coercion on a social and economic level.