Seven Labour MPs resign from party over Corbyn’s leadership

Not for almost 40 years has there been such a split in British politics.


Seven Labour MPs walked out of the party they once loved over Jeremy Corbyn, Brexit, anti-Semitism and what they call the "machine politics of the hard left". So can a new political movement fly? Who would vote for it?


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コメント (21)
  • @johnv5929
    When in doubt,always blame "Brexit Uncertainty".
  • Elected on Labour manifesto, so shouldn't by-elections be held in these seven seats?
  • Ummuna et al, 1.) If you want "People's Vote" stand for by-election. 2.) Repeatedly told us to stay in the EU and reform it from within, yet cannot be bothered to stay in Labour Party and do the same there. 3.) Did you leave Labour Party without a deal??? Is it a soft or hard "leave" ?
  • @up4itgal
    We don’t want the Blairites. Any more who want to resign, do so now. If they are so brave, they would resign their seats. Let’s be having you!
  • Hello Luciana. You have my absolute solidarity and support re: the disgusting abuse you have received and documented. It’s vile and unconscionable. Beyond that, however, here’s what I think. I don’t think you joined Labour to change the world or achieve real social justice. I think you joined Labour because of personal ambition. That’s borne out by your being parachuted into a safe seat regarding which, at the time, you knew nothing. It’s also borne out by your extraordinarily weak record on challenging the Israeli government on more or less anything; and your desire to ignore the very real problems with several of the IHRA examples, and misrepresent Labour’s code of conduct. In 2015, through Corbyn’s election, Labour changed. Suddenly, it was no longer a party in which you and your fellow ‘centrists’, like Chuka, could expect to one day lead. You’ve had no idea what to do with yourself since – other than oppose Corbyn and try to get rid of him. A fairly remarkable position, given the enormous amount of funds, members and energy which Corbyn has brought to the Labour movement: which was bankrupt, broken and without a clue before he was elected. Indeed, that’s a large part of WHY he was elected. Right now, the UK has its worst government in living memory – maybe, ever. This government is doing unspeakable things on a daily basis to the most vulnerable people. Socialists fight for those people and stand up to such a government. You prefer smearing Corbyn instead. In that regard, the Tories must love you. I highly doubt most of your constituents do, though. If you feel unwelcome, I’d suggest it’s because you’ve done little other than undermine the leader and the movement he’s delivered at each and every turn. Helping the Tories, not Labour I write, incidentally, as a Jew and grandson of a Holocaust survivor. I know precisely where antisemitism can lead. Which is why I’m happy that Labour held an investigation, reported on it, then developed an excellent code of conduct. Which you chose to misrepresent. In that, you’ve only done the same thing as many many others. But sadly, it means I doubt your integrity. I think you WANT to make this whole thing much bigger than it is; I think you’re only motivated by a desire to bring Corbyn down. That saddens me, greatly. I wish you well because I wish all people well. But I, like many more British Jews than is commonly assumed or reported, stand with Corbyn who is not a racist, nor an anti-semite. And who actually wants to improve the lives of the British people. Shame on him for that, huh? Shaun Lawson
  • @tfhssn
    Best thing that has happened this year. Now labour supporters can actually get some real MPs for their party. Wonder what chukka thinks of being called a funny tinge
  • It was hardly a split....more of a whimper.
  • Excellent. I want Labour and the Tories to be as divided as possible in order to break up the two-party system.
  • Good to see Corbyn dealing with racism by making sure that racists like Angela Smith no longer feel welcome in the party.
  • Nobody in their right mind would vote for them. They should call by-elections in their constituencies, stand as independents and put their mandates to the test.
  • The phrase "politically homeless", well I had been politically homeless for most of my life until Jeremy Corbyn offered hope for the future. I support and stand with the Labour Party and their policies.
  • @Ax18NY
    None of this means anything. They're all the same. Chuka makes me puka. Honestly, all these politicians are a dime a dozen. The UK hasn't had a serious government for the people in over a hundred years. What was the difference between Labour Blair and Conservative Cameron. NOTHING.
  • Preaching about racism and antisemitism whilst using phrases like "Funny tinge"