NABJ convention in Chicago: Trump's visit stirs controversy and debate

Former President and Republican Presidential Nominee Donald Trump will attend the National Association of Black Journalists convention Wednesday in Chicago, where he will participate in a conversation with journalists and engage in a Q&A with political journalists.

コメント (21)
  • @_Hashcadenz
    Anybody else stop by just to look at the comments! 👀👀👀😅
  • Those journalist did that to them selfs! People are tired of the identity politics most of the journalist choose to report on. TRUMP 2024 🇺🇸
  • @BurieRadney
    Trump is a candidate for President and should be welcome. Chicago should be proud he is coming. Left or Right..
  • The same reporters who supported the current mayor and the last one who seem oblivious to the never ending violence in that town.. Maybe give the man a listen and try and do something about this problem rather than bit@#$ing …
  • @willmorrisusa
    The Truth Hurts ? " If the Shoe Fits.... Wear It. If it Doesn't Apply..... Let it Fly." Only " Free Speech " for some people ? 😶
  • These same reporters have called Trump all kinds if crap, but thats OK?
  • Why is that a poke at black journalists though? A racial epithet was never used..... He expressed his opinion about their journalism. I don't get it
  • Voters decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide EVERYTHING.~ Stalin
  • First off if you ask dumb things people reply in a dumb way. That don’t got nothing to do with race my guy.😂