Schizophrenic Q & A

Published 2022-03-22

All Comments (21)
  • @skelu2
    hey jacob i live with schizophrenia and tourettes syndrome and im also on quetiapine 400mg and other medications. i want to tell you don't lose hope even if you feel like your life is going nowhere and depression hit hard it can get better! try to take small steps and do things you like and spend time with people you like. You don't have to be scared of the demons because they are a natural part of life and a part of the world. You have more power over them than they have over you. Tell them to go away. You can learn to get control over your mind. If its hard getting outside because of the people maybe it helps to get into nature or places outside where you feel safe. For me it helps alot to connect with nature like looking at flowers talking to the trees and birds or touching the trees and just be thankful for my own life. But its different for everybody maybe making music, writing stuff down or something creative or something else helps to give you purpose in life. Please Jacob don't give up because life can be so wonderful and there is so much to experience. You are wonderful and you deserve a meaningful life full of love and compassion. Also i want to say that you have helped me alot with your videos to feel less alone and i can relate to alot of things you said. Keep on and carry on even the bad moments will pass eventually. I wish you all the best from Austria! -Luna
  • @aleksandracatt
    For the person in the q asking can you finish college if your schizophrenic, the answer is yes. I’m schizophrenic since I was 17 years old and I finished college, (graphic technology and design). Just take your medication regularly, don’t drink alcohol and focus on school. Don’t bother with people too much, I mean other students or even professors. Just believe in yourself and your abilities. And learn with understanding, that’s the most important. Don’t hesitate to ask for help if needed.
  • @Zgembo121
    You should do a video on SPACE, something you are passionate about and we can learn about it to. Id love that and it would give u a chance to do a bit different content. Take care. Your long time subscriber!
  • @fit4u679
    Jacob, can I just add one more thing. Please don't take it wrong. You know how you said "I can't do anything, I'm completely F" you are affirming that to yourself. Yes you do have a challenge due to the mental health issue, but you need to remember you can do ANYTHING. The mind is so powerful we take it for granted. As much as you may see it as a curse, you have a right to see it as a gift and no one can tell you other wise. You are GREAT and you can do anything! Believe in yourself. ....another thing. You take care of your spiders.. have the ability to care for a life. Because the truth is your spiders are not rocks. They're living things. See the good things in yourself.
  • Jacob you have 38.7K subscribers, your purpose is helping so many by being open and having a channel. You're worthy. Never feel helpless or useless. You're very intelligent. Think of how many people you're helping... even the ignorant trolls that can't accept their own issues and are rude on here. In even the tiniest ways, you're still even helping them. I'm very impressed how open and honest you are. Blessings to you! I'm proud of you for your honesty. Stay strong! I really mean this. Keep up the good work! ♡
  • @ang8409
    Loved this Q&A! Also, your voice is so calming, it brings me an unexplained peace
  • Always looking forward to your videos. I can relate so much. Thanks for always sharing your experiences. Hoping for better times to come…
  • @ivantorres7471
    Your not alone bro. Stay on the meds. I was on Seroquel as well. Hope you stay well and keep the videos up
  • @user-ko4lv1ps5k
    Thank You for sharing you thoughts. It helps me to go through the bab times. I have F25 Schizoaffective disorder. And I kinda understand your feelings. Knowing that I am not alone helps me. Thanks you a lot. Hello from Siberia
  • @user-ky7rt4hp1h
    You should be proud of this channel you help allot of people out
  • I love your videos! Helped me to get started on my videos even though I don’t post that much.😅 You’re a true inspiration and motivator.🙏🏽 Having schizophrenia really is life draining. I know I just rely on one antipsychotic to keep me going I dislike taking it but I guess it is what it is. My Agitation & anxiety has been rough the past month and now. I’m considering taking more pills but just very concerned about the side effects. Maybe they’ll come out with a cure for this condition or one day things will just change. Who knows.🤷🏽‍♂️🙏🏽
  • @Alan_Hero
    Thanks for answering my question. Enjoy the rest of your week
  • @kimmoore0427
    You look great! I've been wondering about you kiddo!
  • Do you know some peer support groups ? Did you think of being one yourself (a peer helper I dont really know the term for that, but to help people struggling with schizophrenia IRL ) here in France some people get a living to do that Plus it's satisfying to do if you like helping others around you and makes you go outisde
  • You had a girlfriend, what happened. WE BROKE UP. That made me giggle. I only just came across you and I absolutely love how honest and relatable you are. I'm so open about my depression and past experiences that it is so refreshing to see this, to see you helping others with similar experiences and making them know that they aren't alone
  • @Mr123Gibson
    Is there a vocational rehab in your that help you plan goals? I'm physically disabled and they've helped me a lot. Started when I was 25. I'm 31 now and my life is completely different and independent.
  • @brama100
    You look great without facial hair.