Journalists SUCK at Games? - The Know Game News

Published 2017-09-06
A video has been making the rounds of a game journalist playing Cuphead and being... not so good at the game. Now it's reigniting the conversation about whether game journalists are worth listening to if they're not even good at games.


Written By: Brian Gaar
Edited By: Kdin Jenzen
Hosted By: Ashley Jenkins and Jon Risinger

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All Comments (21)
  • @sinyourlifeaway
    This was the same guy who gave the 1st Mass Effect a 1/10 because he didn't know how to level up......
  • @UnknownBigF
    new Porsche review; reviewer noseplants, totals car after hitting a speed bump at 80mph "THIS CAR SUCKS, POOR HANDLING 3/10"
  • @RadMatter_
    nobody is asking them to be pros but at the very least to be able to play at an acceptable level and focus on a genre where they are actually good, you wouldn't put a Diablo Player to test a shooter just have him say the game doesn't control well or that is way too hard which is pretty much what happened with that Polygon DOOM gameplay a couple of years ago.
  • @TheEvixy
    This "journalist" also had to change his review of Mass Effect because he failed to realize that you can assign talent points to your character. He then had to apologize to BioWare for reviewing the game badly due to his own ineptitude. Source: Being a games journalist and not knowing the basics of playing games is like doing construction work without understanding how a hammer works. The fact that he then tried to deflect to it being a "social experiment" is just pure bullshit. They just shouldn't have uploaded the video in the first place. They probably did just to get views. Also AFAIK the video had a different title previously.
  • @Hipno702
    This is the man who gave Mass Effect a bad review because he went through the game without updating his skills This is a man who has been in the industry for 20 years This is a man who is terrible at games Not bad, terrible If you can't even make it past a tutorial, or understand even the most rudimentary of mechanics, don't review games, don't participate in first impressions, at the very least, don't offer a subjective opinion about the merit of a game just because you suck at it (which is exactly what he did in his article and the demo video before they changed the subtitle.) Stick to what you know. Industry updates, press releases tech etc. You wouldn't have someone with no engineering or automotive mechanic experience reviewing the technical aspects of a vehicle right?
  • @CarpeDiemKim
    Dean ACTUALLY said on twitter that Cuphead is ''somewhere between Mario and Dark Souls'' I'm not even joking, google it!!
  • @CaptainSauce
    Imagine a movie reviewer with severe ADD claiming a movie's plot was hard to follow, or a book reviewer who has a hard time reading claiming the language used was overly complicated. The entire point of a review or a gameplay preview is to give people an idea of what their experience might be like, but if you're an outlier then you aren't doing that.
  • @bobmcbobbob2391
    Game journalist suck at games? They suck at journalism! Isn't that a bigger issue?
  • @Amy-lp9ek
    Every type of critic needs to have a more discernible eye than regular consumers. If I want 'random guy on the streets opinion' I can go to a comments section, but when I want a proffesional opinion I want them to be knowledgable in the field. They don't need to be MLG at video games, but they need to be able to tell if something is the games fault or their own ability, that means you need to be able to play the game at least on par with a regular casual player.
  • @SirSicCrusader
    "I don't know ian how?" do I detect some salt in that non argument?
  • @Gamechamp3000
    On the NFL reporter analogy: we don't expect them to be good at football, but we do expect them to understand football. And with video games, skill at a given game is inherently linked with an understanding of how that game functions.
  • @kinglos7840
    The problem is that people run around with review scores & News articles like they carry any weight knowing that most of these ppl talking about games don't have a clue what's going on in them.
  • @01animeking
    They should just be competent at minimum that cup head video was just diabolical
  • @LvLUpProject
    Yes, because something that is garbage can just be flashy making it look good. Don't be pro just be good.
  • @icetrey8662
    I thought the video was hilarious. But if you can't get past a tutorial stage that has directions and arrows painted on the background, you definitely should not be telling people what to buy. In general. He doesn't review games, so I don't have a problem with him being garbage.
  • @GoodGarret777
    They should at least be able to complete a game they plan to review.
  • You wouldn't want a book reviewer that struggled to read - same with games. This is a general point and is not discussing Takahashi as he was not reviewing this game
  • @OffensiveFarmer
    Imagine a food reviewer with damaged taste buds. A test car driver who can't drive a manual. A movie reviewer that had narcolepsy. There is a basic level that a reviewer needs to be at in his given field. If I could not catch a fish I would steer clear of reviewing rods, video game reviews need to be given by a person that is at least average compared to the masses at playing video games. If you're not as good as the average player then you're not good enough at your job and really shouldn't hold the position when many more talented people are unable to find work.