Testing Bayer Roach Bait! Horrifying Result!

Publicado 2021-06-26
Today let's test the effect of Bayer's product Premise, the cockroach killer. Let's inject an entire dose of the product to 100 cockroaches and see what will happen.

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @rl2699
    When you said horrifying results I was expecting to see them all gather around like they were doing in the corner and then transform into a giant cockroach and break free of the container.
  • As a former pest management professional I have a reminder for everyone. Always rotate your cockroach bait by active ingredient every three months to prevent the roaches from building an immunity to a specific pesticide. Also that wat about 100x the product needed to eliminate that amount of roaches.
  • @heretic3334
    Whenever they unfurl their wings, it always sends a shiver down my spine. I have too many experiences where I was going in for the kill but wrongly assumed the cockroach wouldn’t fly. 😭
  • @ppgedez
    The kitten fearlessly taunting the roaches with no concern for its own safety. Bravery beyond measure.
  • @TheDetailsMatter
    A "horrifying result" would have been: --To watch the roaches ignore the bait --To watch the roaches' rate of egg laying and hatching exponentially increase --To watch the roaches exponentially increase in size --To watch the kitten eat a roach and then die instantly Watching the roaches take their last meal and swiftly die of it is the expected and desired result.
  • @bigslimm7
    This was actually refreshing to watch. I can't stand roaches. It may seem a little dark, but I enjoyed watching them suffer 😈
  • @YungMeech313
    I like how the cat just literally takes my eyes away from the fact that this is a video about roaches. It's good to see something nice after seeing all of this
  • I remember when MaxForce bait gel showed up for use in the 90s. Just a hidden dot under a bar, a stove, a cabinet, and resistant infestations were wiped out. It was amazing and totally safe, the LD50 was like a basketball sized clump to even hint at lethal to humans. That’s a nice product. I remember that if I got the tube out and unplugged the end the roaches hidden in corners and crevices would peek their heads out to see what’s up, they loved it. The roaches were so attracted to that bait they’d eat it out of the digestive tracts of roaches already dying from eating it.
  • @TheForcesWrath
    The people/companies that make these bug poisons are true heroes.
  • @DaveChips
    I don't think this is horrifying result... It's great result... They all dropped dead 😅😁 Would be more horrified if they all survived
  • @nurabsal0x018c
    Maybe if roaches started watching these videos they’d stay out of our houses.
  • Plus, cockroaches can also cannibalize their fallen kind, which that means they might devour the poisoned ones and getting poisoned themselves.
  • I've always found it interesting that they never catch on to what's going on. They never stop & say, "Look, the other roach was poisoned, don't eat!" Mice are the same
  • @bf6159
    Horrifying was the taxidermied deer head at a place with an infestation so bad, the deer head had been stripped of fur, the roach waste was so thick it looked like someone went around with dark paint spritzing the corners, and the roaches were so dense the door cleared a path as it was opened. Had the willies all day after that job.
  • @julianb.5587
    Horrifying for the cockroaches. Gratifying for humans.
  • @Pantheroful
    The crazy thing though is that, given the invincibility of roaches, if even ONE had survived, all of its offspring would be eating this bait for dessert.
  • @mrwdpkr5851
    The kitten antagonizing them as they lay dying was BRUTAL !