House Cleansings, Blessings and Wardings

A indepth discussion of house cleansings, blessings, and wardings, and a little about the nature of the house as an enspirited being. More on that in a later video when we get deeper into household cultus.

My phone cut off the last 32 seconds of the video, sorry!

The books I recommended are:

Spiritual Protection: A Safety Manual for Energy Workers, Healers, and Psychics by Sophie Reicher…

The Tradition of Household Spirits: Ancestral lorre and Practices
By Claude Leucotrex…

A Mystic Guide to Cleansing and Clearing by David Salisbury…

Sage, Mugwort, and Cedar smudging set:…

Fiery Wall of Protection Oil:…

FTC Disclosure: as an Amazon affiliate I get a small percentage of qualifying purchases if you click on the link, so it's a great way to support the channel and get something in return! ❤️

Follow me on Instagram @ mysticforrester

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My books can be found here (published under my old last name, soon to be re-released):

I also design Pagan-themed T-shirts and more at Otherworld Creations, here:

Serving the Gods is my passion and my life's work, and I have studied various traditions within that framework for nearly 2 decades. I want to share my knowledge with the people who are seeking to learn without restriction.

If you found any of the information I have presented to be of value, please consider supporting this channel with a donation through payal at [email protected] 💕 No donation is too small, and I appreciate all my contributors!

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