“Social cohesion hangs by a thread” after Manchester Police incident | Peter Bleksley

Published 2024-07-27

All Comments (21)
  • @augustlion6645
    I am sick and tired of people using accusations of racism as a shield from accountability.
  • @user-qk7vv3mx1s
    How can anyone side with those lads? They were complete thugs. Attacking armed officers in an airport FFS.
  • @joycejnn
    The thugs were punching the living daylights out of the police , the female officer being repeatedly punched in the face and knocked of her feet .
  • @benjac9
    The CCTV video from Manchester Airport is shocking. Two violent Men viciously attacked Armed Police Officers. The Officers exhibited great restraint by not using deadly force. The Officers had to make split-second decisions not knowing what else this thugs were capable off. The suspended officer deserves an apology & all officers should commended not castigated. The brazenness & audacity of the Lawyer representing this criminal degenerates is shocking. He is stoking racial tensions. He now needs to apologise.
  • @arnold7000
    Andy Burnham and everyone siding with these 2 violent muslim men who attacked the police including breaking a female officers nose are absolutely disgraceful as usual.
  • @asteve4914
    Imagine being this cop for a moment. It's bedlam. You've just been violently assaulted. You're surrounded by an apparently hostile mob. 'ThEy DiDn'T Do AnYThiNG'. At least 2-3 people are yelling and shouting at you, and they might attack you next. You don't know how many people attacked you, because they hit you from behind. It could be two... could be more. You don't know if this is a terror attack. You don't know if they're armed, or were just throwing punches. You don't know how your colleagues are doing... Are they injured? Do they still have possession of their weapons? Is anyone about to try and grab your weapon? Then, the guy on the floor starts to move after having being tasered. Is he going to get up and become violent again? Did the taser even work properly? (40% of the time, they fail). You don't know what's going on, or what's about to happen, or from what direction you might be attacked next... So, if this guy on the ground is starting to move, he's getting a kick! That way, I stay upright, maintain control of my weapon, and have a better chance against anyone else that might try and attack me. It was absolutely the right move by the police officer in this instance. And race had nothing to do with it!
  • @hellsbells7271
    Westminster, Andy Burnham and the MSM need to publicly apologise to that police officer . These Muslim men should now be jailed , the violence from them was despicable for no reason whatsoever. I'm not surprised the police officer acted that way he was probably petrified for his life.
  • The predicted response from the ‘mayor’ and the media, as usual only telling half the story !!!
  • I don't think that would have happened in the US. Instead of tasers the officers would have pulled out actual guns!
  • @rickgreen3125
    Andi Burnham is an absolute disgrace, that slim ball condemned the cops on the 1st outing BACK THESE COPS ALL THE WAY THE WAY, HAS ANYONE STARTED A PERTITION, THIS NEEDS BRINGING UP IN PARLIAMENT.
  • @rnlkt4962
    The track record of the police and administration in handling grooming gangs has been abysmal, particularly over the past 30 years. Despite countless victims being helpless underage girls, the authorities consistently failed to take decisive action. This longstanding issue reflects a severe lack of accountability and protection for the vulnerable, demanding urgent and comprehensive reform.
  • @DjangoDeathNet
    It was very clear that the police acted appropriately considering the fact they where armed police who carrying weapons that could have been taken by violent members of the public in an airport
  • @thatsmrtwattoyou
    Mr Burnham needs to stop being the lacky of these "community leaders and groups" The only community these folk want is their's.
  • @ddoherty5956
    That young man got a life lesson that most English lads get in a pub if they behave like that, perhaps letting people who don't drink but do all manner of stronger drugs into the UK was a mistake! Consider him integrated into British society, he will know better from now on!
  • @CL-un9gg
    This is a disgrace. Andy should apologise publicly & say the behaviour dealt with by the police will always warrant this kind of response in this situation. Disgusting!