Labour have 'ditched their election promises' and will raise taxes on working people | John Glen

Published 2024-07-28
"This Labour government, within three weeks, are ditching their election promises not to raise taxes - and working people will be affected."

Rachel Reeves has exaggerated the shortfall in the public finances in a bid to raise taxes, claims shadow paymaster general John Glen.

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All Comments (21)
  • Here's a surprise. A Tory spokesman on a Murdoch funded media outlet, criticising a Labour chancellor with speculation raised in yet another Murdoch funded outlet. I'm shocked (not at all).
  • @seancollins2134
    And wheres the Ā£27bn that went missing unaccounted for during COVID,
  • @doncoldwell7270
    And how much tax has your owner avoided paying in the last 14 years? Maybe if people like him had paid their due the country wouldn't be in the shape it's in.
  • @swifty2844
    If im being perfectly honest, if a small rise in tax was enough to fix the collosal mess the country is in then id be all for it. But not if they are throwing money away on non tax payers. Tht would be my only issue.
  • Puzzled by this; I thought they had plenty of cash to play with. During the election campaign I was assured the tax burden on the British people was the highest in 70 years.
  • @robinhard111
    There was never any doubt that they would raise taxes in this way, all that we had to wait for was the excuse.
  • @damianleah6744
    How convenient that Tories and friends try to deflect blame for this fiscal fiasco.
  • @Tigger-roo1234
    We have a 20bl black hole, but ed milliband has just promised 11 bil for foreign green energy..why should the uk citizens support that..seems our giv are soending money everywhere but the uk
  • @mattyward1979
    I'm shocked, shocked I tell you, that a Tory is attacking Labour at this point. Particularly one that sounds utterly bitter about losing so hard The Times is yet another Tory mouthpiece allowing significantly more coverage of the Tory loss and their response to it rather than the new Government.
  • @ketan6213
    The government is just making all the citizens poorer, and motivating people to stay poor. That's why so many people choose to stay on benefits, rather than too work. What they don't realise is, is that the richer people are moving out of the country, so that's why they will always generate less tax revenue from rich, and most people that come into the country are the poorer people and that's why tax revenue reduces and benefits payouts increase per person. Which also obviously puts more pressure on housing, public services etc...
  • @reedchrisj
    Tory MP lies about labour, shock horror šŸ˜‚
  • @MrSmokinAcez
    As an NHS nurse I've never heard anything that's made me so furious. Only a man with no personal experience of the current state of public services could say this. Clearly a very selfish and ignorant man. Does he truly believe that public services can forever absorb these costs? We already had a pay freeze for years on end and below inflation pay rises. I hope one day we are governed and lead by compassionate honorable people.
  • @rsmall2791
    I have been around long enough to know that there is no such creature as an honest politician. Each & every one of them, regardless of party, will say what they have to in order to gain the requisite votes, comfortably ignoring/forgetting what promises they made using excuses like "expediency" "best interest" etc.
  • Get every penny back from everyone of there cronies they fast tracked PPE contracts they fraudulently gave . Gove and anybody who was involved with it should be doing long term prison time . But we the working class know nothing will be done . Time to have a peopleā€™s court .
  • @elonthun8012
    There all One party when are the masses going to Get it
  • @gregoryfenn1462
    They only promised not to raise tax on vat, NI or income tax (i.e "working taxes"). We all knew capital gains and inheritance would be needed to plug the fiscal black hole. We voted for this as the lesser of two evils compared to the Tory economic mess.