Weaponized Negligence β”‚ 5 HORRORS on the Waves

Published 2024-01-25
In this third entry of this series, we cover the Philadelphia Duck boat Terror & the tragic sinking of the MV Sewol.

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00:00 - Intro
01:10 - Tugboat Terror
09:59 - Bahamas Nightmare
15:08 - Mexico Attack
19:15 - The Wave
27:12 - The MV Sewol

Sources & links: github.com/TragT/5-clips-sources/blob/8f1521cac420…

#bizarre #tragedytale #crazy #horrorstories #iceberg #shark #horrorstory

All Comments (21)
  • @empressmarowynn
    The Sewol is why you never teach your kids to blindly follow authority. Teach them to think critically and make the right decision if those in charge are not.
  • The Sewol always gets to me because of them being young kids & being bought up to not question instructions, which is why so many just sat there until it was to late.
  • @bunnyluver2176
    The 2nd worst part of the Sewoul incident is that the US Navy was nearby, equipped with life saving divers, but the were turned away. The worst part was how the students were instructed to stay in their rooms.
  • @fluffyfour
    The Sewol had another victim - one of the divers who went down repeatedly to collect the children who died, and gave evidence at the inquest, couldn't live with what he'd seen and ended his life. More than sad.
  • @MountainCry
    I've seen multiple videos on the Sewol and they all made me angry, but this one genuinely made me cry. The father crying that his child must have called out for him as he died, the graduation with all the empty chairs was just brutal.
  • The South Korean ship was terribly distressing and depressing because the US Marines were in the area and multiple times requested permission to enter the waters to help, and South Korean's leadership repeatedly demanded they stay away. They sacrificed these children in an attempt to preserve their egos. It's disgusting. I cannot imagine the heartbreak of the families.
  • @juzkiddin
    Ugh, 42:00 the honorary graduation with empty seats got me. The fact that the government wouldn't accept outside help despite the many offers is insane.
  • @erikalynn1981
    I always thought the Sewoul incident was so sad. Especially, because there was video taken from the students while the boat was sinking. They probably didn't know the severity of the situation until it was too late.
  • @sheenacolada1482
    Hearing the father weep and scream out for his child at the end broke me to tears. They were all so young. Shame on all those that didn't do what they should have to rescue them!
  • @the_real_rascal
    Stories like the last one is why I told my son to always get to the top deck if there's an emergency. Better to be yelled at by crew and have a shot at survival than sit and die below deck.
  • @ArchTeryx00
    The Sewol is one of the few diasters I've studied that gives me active nightmares to this day. There was a documentary made about the disaster, and the civilian divers sent to recover bodies told of the horrors they saw inside. It was so traumatizing, one of them committed suicide afterward. And it gets worse. Part of the reason the Coast Guard was so slow was because they could only act on orders of the President, who was very slow in getting up after getting news of the disaster. She then ordered them to take CYA footage rather then engage rescue operations. In fact, she actively interfered with rescue operations until she could be on scene personally to direct them. By then, pretty much everyone still aboard was dead. They made a few showy attempts at "rescue" which was pretty much nothing more than a dog and pony show for the cameras. The parents erupted in huge protests. They were arrested en masse by cops, on orders from the President, that desperately did not want to do that to grieving families. South Korea made itself look like a third-world banana republic to the rest of the world, and the protests just kept growing despite straight-up authoritarian crackdowns and mass arrests. Eventually the Korean Constitutional Court found the President culpable for the deaths and she was removed from office. ONLY THEN were attempts begun to salvage the wreck of the Sewol, and even when it was brought to the dock, the grieving parents were locked out from seeing the wreck. It was a crime scene now, and evidence - student personal effects and cell phones - had to be carefully recovered and noted. The captain of that vessel and the President should both have been imprisoned for life for those kids' deaths. They were murdered not just by incompetence, but outright depraved indifference and malign neglect. Their lives were deemed as completely expendable by the President and her government.
  • I love the fact he actually sounds like an interesting storyteller. It actually makes me want to watch and listen.
  • @pancakepop680
    Poor Maria 😒 so glad she was able to save her child. She gave her life for her.
  • @yomuuu649
    This channel is probably one of the best unsettling story/ tragic event story telling channels out there. I can tell that unlike other channels, he really focuses on quality over quantity. Love your content! Keep it up!
  • @abyssraider819
    My blood boils from the thought that the captain of the MV Sewol told everyone on board to remain where they are despite thr vessel quickly listing on its side.
  • @Strype13
    The young lady who tossed her life jacket to the crewman who jumped overboard... the young mother with the foresight to frantically swim over and place her child on the floating play area... While it's no consolation for how absolutely tragic these events were, the women were definitely the heroes of this video. My sincere condolences to these victims' families and loved ones -- and RIP to these incredibly valiant ladies. Also, f*ck that despicable captain of the Sewol who commanded all those poor children to stay in their rooms while he slipped out the back door and hopped onto a rescue boat leaving all of those children behind to die a horrible death. That man is a rotten, deplorable scumbag. Combined with an abysmally negligent and incompetent coast guard that refused to let anybody help them while those poor children were stuck inside. What an appallingly pathetic display of dereliction from everybody involved. Those poor, poor children. Absolutely infuriating!
  • @jenesisjones6706
    The love of money truly is the root of all evil. The Sewol is a prime example.
  • @Viraie
    That post-humous graduation ceremony for the Sewol's victims was chilling. Imagine 250 children. From the same school, the same graduating class. An entire generation. Gone.
  • @cjohn5453
    The honorary graduation is the definition of gut wrenching. Outstanding work, as usual.