HP Prime - The INPUT Command

Published 2014-05-31
This video showcases some of the things that can be accomplished with the INPUT command. This is for the HP Prime, Software Version 6030 (2014 3 31). For the programs that were used for the video, and additional information, please click this link: edspi31415.blogspot.com/2014/05/hp-prime-ways-to-u…

All Comments (13)
  • @malgailany
    Thank you Edward, your tutorials on the HP Prime are really helpful and well presented. I would love to see some advanced features, like the Laplace, Fourier transforms and their inverse. I would also love to learn about the CAS capabilities of the Hp Prime. Thanks.
  • @OndrejPopp
    Cool guitar (choose) box in the back. Tx 4 the tutorial.
  • Is it possible to have a variable number of INPUTs (user defines)? I tried using a FOR before INPUT .... but problem is at the end of each iteration, the screen doesn't hold the previous input boxes! Thank you
  • @arcegerardo2001
    por favor necesito ayuda! al realizar una operación dentro de la programación ejemplo 1/2 y es guardado dentro de una matriz no lo guarda como 1/2 lo guarda como 0.5 es lo mismo pero al final los números flotante arrastran error. como hago para que lo guarde como fracción! por favor 🙏 ya revise cientos de foros y nadie me ayuda!
  • Can someone help me? I´m having a syntax error every time a try to put anything else than the var at input command. For example: It works at HP emulator but doesnt at the calculator EXPORT PROG1() BEGIN INPUT(X,"Enter X"); RETURN 1+X; END; The only code that works at my HP Prime is below EXPORT PROG1() BEGIN INPUT(X); RETURN 1+X; END; Note: My connectivity kit and my calculator are both updated! I DONT KNOW HOW TO SOLVE THIS MESS! Note 2: Please help me kkkkkkkkkkk
  • @giuseppeaa.672
    I've a soft.version 2014 3 31 (6030) If in Home View i store a matrix in es.MM,when i start program,and i use as enter value in input MM,the calculatore give me INPUT ERROR. But whit last verison of software i do it. Why? Tnx :)
  • @EladLending
    I'm an old HP48 user who just bought an HP Prime. How to I transfer results from a program or from a function to the stack in order to use the result in further calculations???
  • @ProSurvey
    The doubts and the following: And introduced the value of an angle in input, but this angle is at HMS, but the Input can not put the symbols º '"HMS the prime understands that the value of the angle is in decimal. I've used the command → HMS () but does not return the correct value and when I find an angle trough of calculations and when I make an addition or subtraction of the angle entered in the input as the prime recognizes decimal as the wrong result thank you Leandromap