Arcade Edition Abigail - The Most Unreasonable Character in SFV History

We're finally revisiting SFV and once again it's to look at something that you can't play as in the final game, but rather than your typical NPC, today we're breaking down Abigail as he appeared in Season 3, or the initial release of Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition!

While this version of the character wasn't in the game for very long, he's a strong contender for the absolute best character the game has ever seen, being incredibly overtuned in Season 3 despite not appearing to be a weak character in his debut season.

In this video, I'll be breaking down what made him so absurd at the time, and then we'll turn to how he was nerfed in the game's later balance patches. This turned out to be much longer than expected, but I hope you enjoy regardless!

#sfv #sfvae #fgc






Music Used:
Zero Pressure - Streets of Rage 4
Primal Pummel - Streets of Rage 4: Mr. X Nightmare
On Fire - Streets of Rage 4
Character Select - Streets of Rage 4
Blood For Glory - Streets of Rage 4: Mr. X Nightmare
Nora - Streets of Rage 4
It’s Gotta Be You – Mother 4 OST

コメント (21)
  • @Hitmonchu
    "It's April 1st, 2018" no it aint. it's april 22nd, 2024. you were wrong mx youtuber
  • Do you think Abigail pretends to be a car because he cannot fit inside any vehicle himself?
  • @eth102
    Honestly this stuff is basically lost media conservation and I love it.
  • Holy shit another hour long video on a character that you can’t play this is frickin sweet
  • @MitoNova583
    do you ever think about how Abigail is a tire whisperer he can just summon spare tires at will & speaks fluent engine
  • @scorby2
    white boy speaks fluent car, flattens poor cammy player
  • @scatman1236
    "How big should I make the video discussing a FG character?" "Depends on how big the character is"
  • @NeutralDrow
    2:52 Maybe Abigail got so many initial buffs because the dev team felt bad about making him tall enough to take all 30 hits of Raging Demon directly to the crotch. "Die a thousand deaths," indeed. o_O
  • The reason Abigail is not in sf6 is because he transformed into the workshop present in the world tour mode. That means you can be inside him
  • @indec7073
    "Working on an SFV Abigail vid and I feel like I'm more productive than usual because if I ever tab out and get distracted he starts continuously making his iconic Abigail sounds which is a great incentive to get back in there and stop him from doing that" -big yellow during the making of this video
  • @oatmeal3013
    anyone else incredibly angered by ryu's gi clipping into his legs
  • @DoodleWill
    Abigail looks like he'd have a team of baby Pokémon.
  • 27:10 watching ryu's fist straight up clip through Abigail's arm and do nothing is incredible
  • Abigail got to feel like he truly was a car with how he simply ran over everyone else, his ultimate victory
  • @zapadap1328
    Abigail looks like his Ancestry results would come back with him being part bulldog and part Jeep Wrangler
  • @Sean_Bird
    Using Streets of Rage music for a Final Fight character is very thematic, not just because both are beat-em-ups, but because I feel like this version of Abigail probably made a lot of people rage.
  • I just checked the wiki out of curiosity. How the fuck is Abigail ONLY 8 feet tall??? He looks like a fucking MOUNTAIN. I wish we got more fighting game characters that are just really big.
  • If this guy walked into the Salty Splatoon, they would give him the deed to the building for free.
  • @MetroidJr1220
    Abigail was the reason i got back into watching SFV tourneys. In a game full of martial arts and crazy techniques, a giant of a man who throws you up and lets gravity do the rest was funny af to watch.