The BEST Enlisted Nation For New Players

Published 2024-01-10

All Comments (21)
  • @HeyQuadro
    I put in the wrong clip for the soviets part, my bad dudes lol
  • @dolfanyt4757
    My two best tips for new players who choose to play any faction is to #1: Build spawnpoints #2: Play the objective
  • @kggaming792
    8:45 bro missed the perfect chance to say "Or rather, being ENLISTED into the red army"
  • 1) Equip engineers and build rallies. 2) Use spot key (“V”) to spot enemies 3) Don’t run straight at them, flank instead 4) Use “X” to order the rest of your squad to positions. Useful to send at an objective while you flank, or to run across a street where enemy positions are unknown
  • @hollowknight5681
    Biggest tip: no matter how good or bad you are BUILD RALLY POINTS. Everyone on your team will love you and even if your team sucks a few well placed rally points can even the fight or give you an edge
  • While I agree soviet has great kit. Soviet playerbase seems to lack good players. I often find myself in matches with what feels like a 1 vs 5 real players because my team is not building rallies and Im 100 kills above the second player and trying to cap and build rallies solo.
  • The only reason to play the Japanese is if you want an accurate portrayal of what it was like to be an extra in hacksaw ridge
  • @Spykitty358
    The Pros and Cons for Germany at the start is very True, i don't usually play Germany in World War 2 games but the occasional moments where i feel like playing Germany i don't wanna do it because of the negatives of playing Germany and being called a wehraboo when i ain't one (far from it). But for real though i do have to agree with this list from worst to best starter nations. As someone who's pretty much completed Normandy Allies before the Merge i hadn't had to play much low tier games. However it is definitely more rough to play Allies when you are put against the better tanks and high tier guns of Germany. However i do feel like Allies is the most rewarding in terms of feeling. I love being in a Sherman and finding a way to beat a Tiger 2 by destroying the gun barrel and landing a lucking shot in the MG port to blow the tank up. The only faction i have yet to play is Japan but i have heard they got good infantry equipment but because Japan is stuck in the pacific they are going to be placed in tier 4 games regardless of your BR. So they will always be pitted against Allies with some of the higher tier equipment, but then again they had to deal with a good portion of those weapons prior to the merge so i'm not sure if it's that bad of a thing. (however when the Pershing gets added that will definitely be a cursed yet interesting thing seeing it on the Pacific) I have been playing Soviets and even with Mosin's i still do pretty good overall, the Soviets are definitely the go to faction for new players if you wanna have a good start to the game. Germany can be a pretty fun one do to them being everywhere but the Pacific. A common problem with both Allies and Soviets is that there's a distinct lack of team play, nobody building rallies or rarely spotting tanks and so on. Meanwhile the Germans do tend to build rallies just about everywhere and do work well together.
  • @jamesbeatty8722
    Alright random fact cause I noticed it on one of your squads, the apc driver for the premium German squad starts in the gunner spot, not the driver spot ( the apc operates 100x better if you move them to the driver position)
  • @lencao4515
    Japan as a faction really was overlooked in the merge considering that they yet have a tier 5 and both their tanks/aircraft are at a large disadvantage in general. The Ho I, a 75mm tank, for some reason has trouble penetrating a M5 and the role of the separate machine gunner (that honestly seems like a niche role to compensate for a lack of a coax machine gun) makes it harder for a starter tank crew of 3 when that role could be used for a loader. As for aircraft, they still have take off from their ships while a P38 can just instantly spawn and wipe out the team.
  • @MrSimonvk
    Nice video, just started playing yesterday and in any WW2 game I always want to play for the Soviets the most so guess I am lucky on this game.
  • @redpanda3339
    I only played for maybe two years but my advice for new players is dismiss your snipers, get more engineers, build rally points, build anmo box when assaulting point so submachine gunners have more ammo to clean up the point because your silly bolt-action won't do it fast enough. Other than that, just chill, don't be a sore loser, don't be bitter. Here, we win some and lose some.
  • USA goes in all fields. I've been deliberately playing tier 1 USA and it is almost exploitative how much exp I'm getting per match. As tier 1 you can equip M3 Grease Guns and Stens - which are full-powered SMGs and some of the best and smoothest to use in the entire game, yet still BR-1. You win every battle (yes, 100% rate so far) with full medals and exp boosters. You can also play Tunisia and Pacific maps, besides Bulge and Normandy, so great variety too.
  • @willcario5648
    i honestly would say germany is the best faction to play since they have the largest map pool out of any faction - players who main germany would experience most of the maps and have the greatest variety of matches plus, their tech tree is ironically the most diverse with weapons/vehicles from italy, hungary, romania, czech, and a french rifle (and if we consider gold order weapons, we can add weapons from finland, belgium, and mexico to that list)
  • @Floofrer
    As Germany Main: I'm basically defending all fronts! haha
  • @matthewjones39
    In my personal opinion, the best faction to start with is the one you think is the coolest.