Mob Psycho s3 but only when Reigen and Serizawa Interact (flash warning!)

edit- can u guys like. not get mad over what is clearly a video in half jokiness and for fun KDFDSFJDFFDHB, id totally understand being upset if ppl were shipping problematic shit but the pairing here isnt problematic u just hate fun lol,

HI ok so i had ppl request I make a ver of this w the full season and since it just ended today i thought id do that rq (also i just got surgery and am lacking energy when it comes to drawing)
b4 yall argue in the comments just know this was originally started as a joke between friends but then the actual original comp got some traction and i was asked to make a pt 2!! I do like serirei tho let that be known :], theyre my favs! I just didn't expect ppl to actually see the original comp
EDIT- HI IDK WHY THE QUALITY IS SO BAD but it took forever to export this and im not doing it again DBBHSD

Some questions that have been going around tho
1. How are some of the removed scenes queer coding?

-The "distortion scene" as I like to call it is very much queer coded. I explained this before but basically Reigen n Serizawa are left alone and Reigen brings up how Tsubomi and Mob can exist without distoring eachother, and that he wants to become a partner like that to Serizawa. This is right after he discusses how pessimistic he is about people liking him for his true self, and that he believes anybody would reject him knowing his true self. I think this scene is important because it really does establish his views on himself and also the narrative that everyone has a version of themself that they dont like.
Also (THIS IS JUST MY INTERPERTATION UR WELCOME TO DISAGREE!) this scene very much comes off as Reigen knowing that Tsubomi doesn't like Mob back the way he likes her, but it's ok because he knows that even knowing Mob's true self and feelings, her view on him won't change and she'd still like to be friends with him, even if she doesn't like him romantically. And this very much reads as Reigen wanting Serizawa to know who he truly is and his feelings about Serizawa (whether u interpert than as romantic or platonic is up to u!! pop off serirei likers), without that distorting their relationship. Especially considering that he very much hates his true self but wants it to at least be known to someone, where their relationship will stay the same despite it. (kinda showing his struggle with vulnerability but wanting it badly, if that makes sense!)
idk thats how the scene reads to me :]! And I thought it was a really interesting one that says a lot about him. (sorry i just copy pasted what i said in a comment abt a week ago)

-The umbrella scene during chapter 100 is queer coded because the two of them standing under an umbrella in that position is considered ai-ai gasa. Ai-Ai gasa translates to "Love-Love umbrella" in English. Two people sharing an umbrella is considered a symbol of romance in Japan!

2. If these scenes are queer coded and removed? why is that?

ehhh not sure, it's not the most explicit queer coding but it's definitely queer coding when you think about it. Which is probably why those scenes were removed. who knows tho not accusing bones of anything this is just speculation.

Also im a lesbian btw idk why i like these two losers sm i just do

コメント (21)
  • yall r so tiring im gonna start deleting comments of u arguing stop arguing in a yt comment section i stg edit: yall its been a year and you still havent gotten jobs yet
  • @stovenven
    Ship or no ship, I'm glad Reigen got to have at least one adult friend in his life lol
  • The fact that there was about 5 people at Reigen's surprise party with psychic powers but none of them bothered to stop Reigen from falling into the cake is hilarious.
  • Shigeo: Why does Serizawa call you 'baby girl'? Reigen: Please, don't talk for a while
  • @catdblood
    Fun fact Serizawa's Japanese VA did an interview talking about Serizawa and Reigen's relationship, he really said "Serizawa holds lots of respect and affection towards Reigen" It's so cute! Apparently a lot of translators say that the word "affection" that the VA used in the interview is usually used as a romantic manner in Japanese.
  • Loved how Serizawa stuck around Honestly I love all of the antagonists turned allies in this show They’re all people that were on the wrong path and were pushed into the right path
  • A little disappointed they didn't animate the little hearts that would float around them like in the manga, but I guess they had to save money somewhere :/
  • Serizawa and Mob having their existential crisis Reigen, incredulous: you bozos Pffft. I love the fact that even when he's a wacko, he's shown to act the most adult, lol. But I'm disappointed that the few times Reigen asks to hang out with Serizawa, he turns it down 😢
  • @CrystalCrynight
    Good to see that bones still gave reigen the special treatment and animated him AND his bf well.
  • @heyo8435
    Ngl Serizawa is a potential MC if the author decided to follow him first instead of Mob
  • @mmmmmis
    I'll never get over their scene in the manga that the anime cut
  • @naudalyke
    Sorry, I'm on a serirei binge LOL but my gosh, on both sides, a ship does not have to be canon to enjoy it. Don't call ppl homophobic if they don't ship it, BUT don't put your negative opinions about a ship out if you don't ship it either. LET US ENJOY OUR GROWN MEN. They're so soft for one another 🥺
  • I see! I need to read the manga and spinoff to ship Reigen with Serizawa. It's like I want to (because I see so many other people shipping them and I can see the potential) but nothing in the anime moved me enough to do so and so I can't.
  • レイゲンもセリザワもシゲオ、全員「良い奴」なんだよねぇ。