MVC2 - VDO Vs Ducvader - THIS IS MAHVEL.

Publicado 2024-05-14

00:00 Match 1
01:36 Match 2
03:24 Match 3
04:56 Match 4
06:54 Match 5
08:50 Match 6
10:20 Match 7
12:04 Match 8
13:54 Match 9

All Matches are recorded on Fightcade emulator, please refer to this guide for installation if you want to play mvc2 online as well !! Fight On!

All matches have the expressed consent to be uploaded by one of the players involved. If the opponent has an objection with their game playing being shown on the channel, please contact me at you earliest convenience. Thank you.

#mvc2 #freemvc2 #fightcade #heartstillbeats #fgc

Todos los comentarios (20)
  • @Heartstillbeats
    Ohh I didn't think this was so controversial haha, I was just excited to see these two play!!! This is an endless debate since the game came out... Its in the game anybody can pick it ... the rest is up to you mentally and physically to get over with skill and patience.
  • This VDO guy can handle low tier characters and goes toe to toe to a former Evo Champ... Even though he lost the match,but imagine the caliber on how he handles such characters... Major Respect to VDO...🫡🤜🤛
  • dont hate DUC for the strategy,its proven effective as you can see, i know many of you is waiting for a technique or a player or a character that will stood up against VDO's talent..and I think DUC has sorted it out..Thanks DUC, VDO and Heart..
  • @minipolenet
    이것이 치사한 방법일지라도 승리는 승리입니다. VDO의 로그 어시스턴트 콤보 루프에 대한 맞춤 전략은 정말로 훌륭했습니다
  • @darrnellnott07
    give it up to DUC. The guy is a monster. Also, gotta just marvel at what VDO does with his team and just never gives up. Both of these know their teams like no other and are legends in their own rights. As usual, VDO knocks the sense into people in match #1 but unfortunately can get outclassed by top tiers. Truly tho that is not always the case. The guy knows how to transition and is amazing at punishing assists with Rogue. With that being said, DUC is a master at his craft and synergy. The fact VDO didnt get chipped as much as DUC opponents normally take is a testament to his knowledge and skill. So glad I was able to witness this. Both showcased their dedication to MVC2 in amazing fashion.
  • @17sesshoumaru
    I knew the result even before I clicked on the video, but I am happy with the 1st round and the number 8!
  • @tyomega6503
    Clean editing on the vids. Back to back mvc2 🔥
  • @onemuststand7353
    Spiral, Blackheart, Doom and Cable were the main reasons why Magneto+Psylocke were studied and became such a thing. The Mags rushdown was one of the few things that prevented those 4 from getting their startups. Storm was sprinkled in there too but she was always an all-arounder and Sentinel eventually joined her when he was unlocked.
  • @ScottVannah-xl8ng
    This is a good showcase of why god-tier characters with broken mechanics dominate MvsC2 and player skill only goes far. Spiral isn't god-tier but Duc's team is because he designed it and maximizes it around his Cable/Sentinel. In a Mag/Sent/Storm/IM Fly meta trap teams usually fare poorly at the very top. In Duc's team Spiral is mainly a battery for Cable/Sentinel, the trap can be escaped with Guard Canceling but she builds bar either way. Duc's waiting all the time for Cable's broken Alpha Counter Psimitar into 1 frame AHVB happy birthday into Guard Break AHVB, gg every time with enough bars. VDO's team simply doesn't have the tools to keep Duc's team from working consistently.
  • @sorrynormal6551
    Great match but here you can REALLY see the difference between VDO'S low tier vs DucDo's top tier. Once he gets the lockdown going, VDO can not approach.
  • @rolanalberto3064
    Damn, well thats one way of keeping Rogue loop-killing off team assists 😂
  • @Chaoskae
    I see much hasn’t changed throughout the years people still complaining about Ducs team 😂😂😂
  • @ksmoove12able
    All I'm saying is when VDO lose don't be no plan b ass dudes. He destroys most top tier players with his yesssss Midtier team. However soon as he loses its oh it's because they played top tier. Nope don't do VDO like that. He gives em as well as he takes them. Trust me I got bopped by him plenty of time with his midtier so I don't wanna hear nothing when he loses. Besides Duc would bop anybody elses shit too. (*_*)
  • @sakazakijin
    Keep away is s valid strategy, people. That being said, I hate fighting against it too so I understand the hate in the comments 😛
  • @minipolenet
    게임을 포함한 모든 스포츠에서 질것으로 예상되던 약자가 강자를 이길때만큼 흥분되는 순간은 없습니다
  • @DoremonUCR
    Duc is a former Evo champ, he ain’t like the other players VDO has dominated.
  • @PBEcotaku
    That projectile pressure by Duc reminds me so much of the Astral Vision Morrigan bullet hell.