{Blacktide} Encounters with [eXa] and friends 2022 Q1

Publicado 2022-04-07
Boon-Support Firebrand PoV.
More Infos below
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For this video I wanted to show some interesting situations and how a firebrand player might react to them. This is by no means perfect gameplay, but each clip should show some skills being used to support our group and pressure the enemy. This time, the timestamps will include the skill(s) I wanted to highlight.
Thanks to [eXa] and Chaos for providing a multitude of fun fights!

I made the video longer this time, since I'm quite busy recently and couldn't make shorter videos more frequently.

[TC] is my private guild for alts. Some of these clips were recorded with my main's Guild [INC] on {Drakkar Lake} while we were linked with {Blacktide}.


00:00 - 01. Fight. Usage of "Hallowed Ground"; Rotation under pressure
00:19 - 02. Fight. Stealth engage rotation; Early Stability in case enemy closer than expected; Usage of "Hallowed Ground"
00:49 - 03. Fight. Usage of "Hallowed Ground" at possible regroup spot
01:07 - 04. Fight. Stealth counter; Tight escape outside
01:38 - 05. Fight. Stealth engage buff rotation; Usage of "Hallowed Ground"; Rotation under pressure
02:18 - 06. Fight. More steps for buff before stealth engage
03:03 - 07. Fight. Aegis cast for anticipated counter-bomb
03:41 - 08. Fight. Rotation under pressure; Stability cooldowns too early
04:28 - 09. Fight. Rotation under pressure
05:04 - 10. Fight. "Signet of Mercy" usage paired with Quickness and Reflection
05:27 - 11. Fight. Usage of "Hallowed Ground" paired with blast end "Empower" for increased group Might while range-bombing
05:38 - 12. Fight. Rotation when stationary, including Reflect and "Hallowed Ground"
05:59 - 13. Fight. "Signet of Mercy" usage at range
06:13 - 14. Fight. Aegis timing and usage of Tome 1 for flank push
06:34 - 15. Fight. Usage of pull from Tome 1 into "Gravity Well"; Play between Utility Skills and Tome 3
07:04 - 16. Fight. Rotation under pressure; "Signet of Mercy" attempt; Overpushing and trying to use "Shield of Absorption" to knock enemies back into our bomb
07:53 - 17. Fight. Usage of "Hallowed Ground"; "Signet of Mercy" usage; Aegis to prevent possible first damage from Dragonhunter Traps
08:30 - 18. Fight. Dodge out of WoD, then Stab Mantra into group as precaution Stunbreak; "Signet of Mercy" usage; lucky comeback
08:59 - 19. Fight. "Signet of Mercy" usage; Close-range Aegis usage
09:11 - 20. Fight. Long-distance stealth engage; usage of Tome 1 for more aggressive bomb
09:33 - 21. Fight. Stealth engage, then disengage into tower; timing of last stability/stunbreak for group while going into the tower
09:44 - 22. Fight. Stealth engage, then disengage into tower; tighter timing for disengage, almost too late
10:03 - 23. Fight. Usage of "Hallowed Ground" at anticipated possible regroup spot
10:26 - 24. Fight. Stealth engage; Usage of "Hallowed Ground"; Rotation under pressure
10:43 - 25. Fight. Stealth engage; Aegis cast away from enemy to not get revealed; Usage of "Hallowed Ground" at regroup spot; Regeneration symbol cast; Resistance and Stability for quick position change
11:31 - 26. Fight. Stealth engage; Stunbreak inside WoD; Stability for group outside of WoD
11:52 - 27. Fight. Usage of "Hallowed Ground" at choke for safe regroup
12:04 - 28. Fight. Range bomb; anticipating enemy Rev bomb and countering with blocks from Aegis; Counter-push

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