LowTierGod Losing In Tekken 8 For 1 Hour and 3 Minutes Straight

Published 2024-06-28

All Comments (21)
  • "It's a player match it ain't that serious" and then proceeds to scream hysterically for losing the match. lol
  • Someone asked, 'Was he even good at Tekken 7?' but I guess they deleted their message. The answer is absolutely not. LTG is normally average or slightly below average at every fighting game he plays. He's known for having a massive ego, which hinders him from ever improving beyond journeyman status.
  • ”You‘re not a real Tekken player” ”Fake Tekken player“ ”Tekken 8 player“ bruh the way he keeps saying that shit is so cringe
  • @misterxenon5068
    Every time he says he's getting random'd out, all I think is "yeah, that's called a mixup. You're supposed to be a little random in a fighting game. That's how you avoid being predictable."
  • My brother and I have destroyed LTG in Tekken 7 many times so I can confirm that he is terrible at fighting games. Tekken 8 is no different .
  • @komzatonHC
  • @DustyCruz
    The matches that are 2:2 in rounds are the best because when he loses he gets mega salty.
  • @DenzelRiller
    He’s loses to a lot of “ garbage” players 😂😂😂
    the salt is all over my screen!!
  • @greencomet2011
    It's funny how LTG has his own little ruleset of what is allowed during a match every time he plays someone. 6arakin has dumb rules too, but at least he states them before match starts. Unlike Dale who seems to make them up on the fly completely as he plays.
  • @juice2090
    “The greatest Tekken player of all time”. Yes Dale I loved witnessing all your EVO wins lol
  • @Pill-Cosby
    Only thing worse then dale are his low life mods. 😂 imagine spending your days feeding dales ego and banning people who dont feed his ego. What a pathetic exsistance 😂
  • @RichHomieQuarkk
    "It's a player match. It ain't that serious." Proceeds to ban the dude for winning. What a loser lol.
  • @juice2090
    Also: he’s playing the mashiest character in the game and still loses lol
  • @LoadPast
    Lmao he always sounds like hes gonna cry whenever he chokes a lead away
  • I'm 44 years old, I'm not nowhere as good in fighting games like I was in my 20s or even 30s, it's just life that skills dull with age. As bad as I am now I still love gaming! If you're a grown ass man acting worse than an 8 year old and over a game no less? Dale truly has failed in life