‘Sell your business now’: Bill Shorten's stern warning to NDIS fraudsters

NDIS Minister Bill Shorten says there will be a “crackdown on fraud” regarding businesses who are exploiting the NDIS for their own interests.

“There’s a lot of trauma and there’s a lot of muscle memory of the last ten years,” Mr Shorten said during his National Press Club address.

“We are gonna crackdown on the fraud, and we’re going to invest in more systems.

“If you’ve got a business model, where you are sort of mining someone’s supported independent living package for your own interests and not the participant, sell your business now; because it’s not going to be worth much by the time we’re finished with you.”

コメント (21)
  • @gusman37
    Australians believe in a fair go .., But Australians detest being taken for mugs ... clean it up Bill ...
  • It's not the people selling bath chairs it's physio' that can charge $230 + travel for a home visit or a child in a wheelchair being denied a ramp by NDIS despite an OT reporting that he cant walk due to cerebral palsy + cystic fibrosis. People mowing the lawn charging for 2 hour when it takes 20mins bc the sprayed some weeds. Providers getting rich from their cut including being allowed to profit from Km's claimed by the support workers (the get 10 cents a km that they don't even drive) then the person with the disability gets their funding cut, loses services while many providers get rich.
  • Bill's been talking for a long time now. Time for action. VOTE NO TO THE VOICE.
  • Businesses are definitely ripping off the government from my experience. One small example is charging $16 to travel from office to school for my son! It’s under a minute to walk!
  • How does a scheme become so corrupted without being identified. Those found to be unlawful must be brought to justice with severe penalties. The tax payers money that is being wasted must stop forthwith.
  • Sell or donate to your local Labor MP and get more contracts. Simples
  • @reenztia
    Bravo!!! Others are making a bad name for the rare few of us, we genuinely want to remove the social model of disability and just be kind and decent
  • @johnt7696
    The truth is when supplying any thing to government organizations companies over charge for their services for many reasons. Like when a building is needed for a school. That building will cost over double the price for a public school than for a private company for the exact same thing.
  • An NDIS provider business is in the commercial unit next to ours. The drive a fleet of premium land rover discoverys and Jaguars. Is this the minimg we're talking about here?
  • @3800TURBO
    1 in 5 on NDIS. A guy today told me that NDIS is not means tested. He said he knew people on it due to being deaf. Imagine you're close to retirement and deaf. You don't qualify for pension due to asset test BUT you do get NDIS for being deaf because it ain't means tested. What a loop hole 🤣
  • is there rule that providers must be registered ,to have logo on their car
  • @TheTaipan
    Would be good if you could believe him.
  • I have no problems with the scheme You just need to get the scammers out Same for work cover Why the government doesn't import the medical items Then distribute them as required has to be cheaper then private corporations double the price of items If they do what their saying that'll be good but will they words are easy actions are harder
  • So how much will the the world"s biggest rort cost tax payers now Bill, oh twice as much as last year after the improvements that I have made but don't worry I have asked Jim to introduce all of my confiscation taxes that I tried to introduce before.
  • The truth is that it will keep costing a lot more when virtual dole bludgers living with their parents are supplied with their own personal chauffers, entertainers and butlers.
  • @tlb2970
    Bill shorten is just like the rest of them, useless