The Best Minecraft Mod Mojang Is STILL Stealing From

What's the best Minecraft mod of all time? It’s a debate that never ends!

While some focus on popularity and downloads, others argue for quality and ambition.

Today, we're spotlighting a forgotten gem: Better Than Wolves.

Created by Flowerchild in just 5 days back in 2011, this mod introduced groundbreaking features that I believe even influenced Minecraft’s official updates. From working windmills to redstone-controlled liquids, Better Than Wolves set a new standard for creativity and innovation.

Join me as we dive into the history and impact of this incredible mod! #minecraftmods #BetterThanWolves #minecrafthistory #moddedminecraft

List of videos used for footage:
   • Minecraft - "Better Than Wolves" Mod ...  
   • Minecraft - | Better Than Wolves Mod ...  
   • Better Than Wolves With Flowerchild E...  
   • Learn To Code Like a GENIUS and Not W...  
   • Better Than Wolves Fan Trailer  
   • Minecraft Beta 1.7.3 - Better Than Wo...  
   • The Ultimate Millstone Guide For Bett...  

Hey! Little clarification, hoppers were update 1.5!

My Youtube Discord:

My Modded Server, Kuba's Minecraft Modded Factions:

The Modpack is available on the Technic Launcher and Curse Forge:……

コメント (21)
  • @ultrio325
    Every mod I've ever played... It's all been better than wolves...
  • @virsonyx
    Damn he was absolutely right in his anti-wolf post. Who actually brings their wolves with them anywhere?
  • Actually, hemp is different from weed. Actual hemp is used for its fibers to make rope and textiles. Marijuana is smaller and specifically bred for its thc content. Nothing like rope to take the edge off.
  • @cubee4108
    i thought that BTW meant like the player would be better than wolves, but no, the UPDATE was better than adding wolves
  • @gabetmf
    minecraft only using 1% of their power to make their game but using 20% when its april fools day
  • @livid4455
    I remember Flowerchild banning me from the forums for making a suggestion. Good times
  • @TheTSense
    Asking which mod is the best is like asking which half of your car you don't need.
  • @Battosay52
    Very nice video :) To add to your point, Dinnerbone, who worked at Mojang for a while, played a lot of BTW before he became a MC Dev. He was an active member on our forum for years, and stayed in touch with FC when he joined Mojang. He even mentionned showing BTW to other Mojang employees, so it's safe to say that they knew the mod pretty well :)
  • 4:14 Its sad that this 13 year old post is still just as accurate today as it was back then...
  • There’s also the fact that people are still playing Better than Wolves & using it in Modpacks despite being one of the oldest Minecraft Mods Around
  • works of art created through spite are the closest humanity had come to godhood
  • @river559
    The craziest thing about this to me is that the whole reason why he popped off and mode the mod in the first place is STILL an issue in the game 13 years later. Dude is just like me, he has the foresight for seeing when things will go wrong, even if it's an unpopular opinion at the time
  • @n7x
    Not only did it add a lot of redstone features, it also revolutionised survival. You can’t just chop wood, get stone, smelt iron and then find diamonds in a few days, you have to use primitive tools like chisels to get raw iron nuggets and pieces of stone, make clay bricks and let them out to dry so you can make a kiln, then smelt the nuggets one at a time, and you also have to use the new mechanisms to progress too. Tdlmc is currently trying to beat BTW in hardcore with the mob enhancement mod on, and I’ve picked up a lot of strategies from his previous videos
  • "in no particular order except for this particular order" lol still can't believe one of the most fundamental mods i had growing up was named after a forum argument... gives me ideas for naming my projects XD
  • "Maybe even call it mavity" Best doctor who reference
  • allat and mojang still needs a year to add 2 flowers, reskinned wood, fancy bookshelves, and 2 inconsequential mobs.
  • to be fair, at this point minecraft is sitting on such amounts of technical debt, it's probably easier to make minecraft 2. the only issue is when certain bugs become features and have to be ported too (e.g. java redstone). while it's hard to code the game in a manner the that's future proof, systems that are less interconnected are less likely to be tampered with by or interact with future systems. (that's also one of the reasons the april fools snapshots can be made so elaborate - they are clearly designed as a prototype and thus don't have to adhere to stricter standards) we know how it goes when mojang do a big overhaul involving many systems (caves and cliffs part 3 is on the way) and that's all in an attempt to make the game somewhat forwards compatible (which is harder than backwards compatibility as you don't know what's coming. imagine writing a mod that has to run, as is, in 1.22) so while I can't really complain about minecraft updates taking such a long time, I can still be unsatisfied where the precious dev time is being spent. another note: some of the features have likely come completely separately, just like many animals evolve into a crab. it's just that minecraft went into a somewhat other direction than better than wolves, but finds itself drawn more into that direction. also bitte keine kacka in meinen Hosen