How much money KISS paid Bob Kulick, real net worth, royalties

This is my review on how much money Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons from KISS paid Bob Kulick, real net worth, royalties.

コメント (21)
  • Bob made the classic mistake of thinking he was "in the band" when he wasn't. He was a hired gun and was paid as a session player, and that's it.
  • I'd rather have the money than respect from Gene and Paul. Why would I care about respect from people I don't respect?
  • I worked at a hotel where kiss stayed gene and Paul had the suites Eric and Bruce had regular rooms
  • Bob was a great guy! He helped Bruce a lot and worked very hard. He felt bitter because in the end he didn't have what he deserved for all his hard work. Thanks Kar, great upload!
  • You're not paid what you're're paid what you negotiate.
  • All of Bob's guitar solo's with Kiss were great, he played for the song and TOTALLY kept the vibe. His solo's on "Ain't quite right" off of Paul Stanley's 1978 solo album are amazingly emotional, and are among some of my all time favorite. Rip Bob
  • Simmons and Stanley RIPPED SOMEBODY OFF? Gee, what a shocker.
  • @gener2842
    I knew Bob. He was a great person. And very honest.
  • Dude wasn't in KISS. He was a session guy that got paid as a session guy. That's how it works, which is why he agreed to it. It is all on Bob. He negotiated his own deal. He could only be mad at himself. There are certain session guys that basically played on everything. Dan Huff, Tim Pierce, Steve Lukather. Most people never even knew they were on the tracks.
  • @billmc62
    So every studio musician should get a free house and car and be paid millions? Get real people and understand the business before you let your emotions decide. He didn't write the songs. He was hired as a session player and got paid double scale. This is not unusual. Unfortunately, the average music fan is clueless about the business and thinks people's feelings should dictate how much someone gets paid.
  • What a great guitar player! The studio side of ALIVE 2 is some of their best stuff and his parts really shine!
  • So he’s complaining they never ‘thanked him’?🤔 I’m thinking that if they thanked him instead of paying him then we would be hearing that story 🤨
  • Bob's guitar work is amazing. It's what made Paul's solo record shine. The more I learn about the industry, the more I'm grateful that I never really got into it. I'd have gotten into some trouble if I'd been treated the way these amazing players I hear about were treated. RIP Bob Kulick
  • @arm5080
    Met Bob once was more than happy to talk about his experience with KISS and other projects he was involved with.such a nice guy RIP
  • The song from AC/DC called 'it's a long way to the top (if you want to rock n roll) is pretty much what goes on in the industry.
  • Great episode that sucks for Bob. It's a cut-throat industry.
  • @l.l.c.
    The lead work on “Larger Than Life” absolutely rips! Damn.
  • I looked up the personnel for Bat Out Of Hell and I am not seeing Bob's name. I am a pretty big fan of that record and this is the first time that I am hearing his name associated with it. Was he in the touring band for that tour?