Penetration dive on the Spiegel Grove Wreck

This time lapse video is of our light penetration dive on the Spiegel Grove in a hallways three levels down around 110ft. Since we were diving with aluminum 80 tanks we had to keep our dive conservative and go by the rule of thirds. Since we were unfamiliar with this route we ran a line so that we could safely make our way out once we hit our 2/3 psi if something unexpected happened. This was a quick penetration dive and there is so much more to see. I can't wait to get back down to Key Largo to dive this amazing wreck again!

コメント (13)
  • WELL DONE on your buoyancy control as well as your line placements/tie-offs!!! I was expecting to see the "TOP DOG" (Snoopy riding atopp the alligator, which represents the Amphibious Force "Gator Navy") in the tile on the deck. THANKS for the tour! I deployed with her in my ARG (Amphibious Ready Group) to the Mediterranean Sea with the U.S. SIXTH Fleet back in the mid-1970s. You can never get enough dives on SPIEGEL GROVE!!! I'll be back!!!!!
  • Now this is how you get footage of a wreck ship under water!!!! Awesome Video!!!
  • @jcody10
    Great video would love to do this someday. I am new to scuba -- how much training does it take to safely do wreck penetration diving?
  • @eric802
    Nice video! Hoping to do this dive myself soon. Glad you can do some penetration with an AL80; what was your bottom time on this? And do you have any wreck training?