Eczema, Dupixent, and Love songs

Published 2017-12-10
Here is an update
Sadly Dupixent isn't the way for me and all the others who feel the side effects seriously enough but we go on

All Comments (7)
  • Hey man I feel you pain and suffering. I have chronic eczema too and I've been screwed over by big pharma. Steroid creams and prednisone had left my skin looking really bad. I'm on month 6 now of no meds and it's been a horrible road but I have found a diet and some diet tips that work for me. Have you ever took an igg test? Also are you into supplements? Like fish oils and what not? I would like to share with you what I've been doing if it helps. This disease sucks and we need to help each other out.
  • @Sandro140586
    Thanks for your Vlog. I was suffering from severe eczema for about 10 years and I've been on Dupixent for 2 full years in a medical trial with 300 mg every week. By the way I'm also a guitar player and I just wanted to mention that your guitar was very much out of tune in your video :-D - I can clearly hear this after your 3 first chords already :-D :-D Well, beside this I never had any side effects from Dupixent but now I'm off it since 3 months and skin starts making a bit of trouble again. Could happen that I'm allowed to get back on but next weeks appointment will show. Good luck to you!
  • @1Shiva8
    I might start it soon, mainly beacuse of my skin discoloration and raised skin scars that never fade. Just wondering if you can give me some tips on when it's best to identify to stop it? How long until I know? Because I heard that you used it for a while before you stopped
  • @pandaaxxx6760
    I was on dupixent and lucky me one of the only people in the world ALLERGIC to it
  • @jond95
    Did you stop it because of the eye side effects?
  • Honestly man, i think eczema drugs are bad long term. I've seen a lot of improvement with this natural holistic approach I've been doing and I still have a lot of healing still, but progress is being made. When I cut the prednisone cold Turkey I was covered in it, my entire body was rashed out. These drugs mask the inflammation but eventually it all needs to surface I feel, or at least that's what i can connect the dots on with what my healing process has been, everyone is different. It sucks there is no cure for this horrible disease :(