Suleiman Shahbal- Ruto Has An Opportunity To Change This County, He Needs To Do The Right Thing


コメント (21)
  • The same Ruto compromised Parliament. Compromised Judiciary. Kenyans are on their own. Unfortunate.
  • If you change the people without changing the system you have just recycled the problem
  • Wow very insightfull discussion. Why Is the president short of advisors
  • @bryomuch
    no no no no , on the cabinet secretaties i disagree , boards are what got us here in the first place, boards can be bought ,overisght should be independent citizens serving as advisers
  • The fact that he brushes off government salaries like it's a non issue is part of these boomers duplicitous ways, in a country where the mean wages is below 30,000 and we have mps earning 1,000,000 is complete insanity. Address all issues with the same philosophy or get off the podium.
  • @vikik7877
    I get what he means by changing systems and legislature having a longer lasting effect. But at the end of the day, for good systems to even have the chance of being placed, it is people with goodwill who will have to champion this. The hearts and character of the people who sit in those sits truly and deeply matter. If we can get even just 3 successive good willed governments who place strong and good systems then corruption will become a thing of the past.
  • @bryomuch
    nice Suleiman Shahbal you are awesome, the transparency point is a very good solution in procurement how can we implement it ✊
  • Very insightful. The kind of minds very much needed to take this country to the very much desired magnitude in all aspects of governance.
  • Implement transparency at the grassroots roots where the money is being spent
  • @GGGhx
    Shahbal is wrong on a very important point. The job of the cabinet is to implement the winning party's manifesto. There's no space for dissent. Mps are the ones who ought to have an independent mind.
  • Why does government even deal with tenders ? Why not buy commodities from the companies themselves .
  • Suleiman Shaban Mheshimiwa has analysed this issue very well.
  • @bryomuch
    National Forensic Lab should be independent and the scientists should be citizens not NPS
  • Also all ps in each ministry must be audited immediately before they can continue being at their post .
  • @jayo7812
    Shahbal, please stand as an independent for Mombasa governor next election, we will vote you in. Hakuna kuogopa this time
  • The deeper meaning of the proberb "in new environments, the chicken walks on 1 leg" is ....Unconventional behaviours are to be expected in unconventional circumstances however, the nature of things (people, animals, etc.) remains unchanged. Wasee "mwongo ni mwongo na wezi ni wezi hata akijifanya kwasababu ya upelelezi na upinzani, atabaki hivyo hivyo."
  • Maybe we should revisit the punguza mzigo bill. It had some really pragmatic solution-oriented perspectives.