How Evangelicals Betray Christians In The Holy Land [Pt. 2]

For millions of American evangelical Christians, supporting Israel is a core part of their faith. They believe Israel needs to exist so that the “end times” prophecies and return of Jesus Christ are guaranteed.

But what does that support mean for people who share their religion but live under Israeli occupation? Dena talks to Palestinian Christians about the evangelical Christian Zionist movement.

0:50 What is Christian Zionism?
1:49 Why this American Christian has devoted her life to helping Israel
2:40 Christian Palestinians react to Christian Zionists
4:06 What some evangelicals believe the Bible says about the “end times”
7:01 Who’s behind the most powerful Christian Zionist organization?
9:04 Why do Christian Zionists support Israel’s oppression?

#Palestine #Christianity #Zionism

コメント (21)
  • @timpike4515
    I am a born again (evangelical) Christian who was, at least partially, indoctrinated with Zionist doctrine when I was young. After many years of studying the Old Testament and New Testament for myself, while praying for discernment, I have learned that Zionism is based on a few words of scripture taken completely out of context, and for one to find the Truth, one must take God's Word as a whole. The modern state of Israel is not biblical Israel, and Zionism is as harmful to Jews as it is to Christians and Muslims. I want Palestinians to know that not all western evangelical Christians subscribe to the Zionist propaganda, and many of us are trying to break the spell it has on others, while praying for the Christian, Muslim, and Jewish people in the Holy Land.
  • I'm an evangelical Christian from Switzerland. For long time, I turned a blind eye to the suffering of the Palestininans under Israeli occupation. This recent Gaza war opened my eyes, too. The whole Earth belongs to God, we are just guests and have to love and serve each other. Thank you for this report!
  • As A Christian who lives in Indiana I pray for all my fellow Christians in Palestine and pray all the Muslim who go through this hardship as well..
  • @Joysings86
    I'm Christian & I'm so ashamed of these people. This is why other religions mock us because our views on God's word is so inconsistent.
  • As an Irish Catholic ,I have always been very wary of the whole mindset of Evangelicals.The Israelis and the Jewish diaspora in general see Christianity as their enemy for the last two thousand years.They publicly acknowledge Evangelical support,both moral and financial ,but privately have nothing but contempt for Christian belief.This truth is self evident to any person who keeps a close eye on the present world situation. Also right wing Israelis spit on the ground or in the direction of the participants when Christian processions pass them on the narrow streets of Jerusalem.This while their army and policemen stand by and do nothing .I've seen it with my own eyes.✝️
  • As an American Orthodox Christian I hate that people are so misinformed. The Palestinians have limited daily access to both Electricity and drinking water and Palestinian teenage males are shot and maimed so they will not be able to fight.Its heartbreaking.I pray God will intervene.
  • I'm a priest in the Orthodox Church. I returned home from a tour of the Holy Land on Oct. 5, (less than 48 hours before the war started). I have seen first-hand the conditions that you are reporting on and I know you are 100% correct. I appreciate you shining the light on this tragic interpretation of the Evangelical Christians.
  • @RiotShieldMan
    As a Christian, I have never bought into this. Absolutely none of this has ever sat right with me in my heart and soul.
  • As a Muslim, we will continue protecting the Palestinian Christians. We have an agreement with the caliph Omar ben Al-khatab (may Allah bless him) to protect the Christians and their churches over 800 years ago. When Palestine will be free, All the Palestinians (Christians and Muslims) will return 🇵🇸✌❤
  • @csjmb6193
    As a Chinese christian, this pass weeks open my eyes to see the hypocrisy and the real truth. I feel for the Palestines and the Christians there. I will begin to pray and support them as much as i can.
  • @axeldave4809
    As a Christian from Indonesi. Idc if there is no Christian in Palestine we still need to support them. the pastor is right we don't worship a tribal God. Damn it America stop embarrasing Christian 😐😑
  • @bisesasi1878
    As an Indian Christian this war has opened my eyes to see the reality of the Zionist !!! How cruel n savagery!!! Jesus taught us to love one another! He even told us to love our neighbours and even to our enemies but it's opposite here !!!!!
  • @BA-mv8pp
    As a conservative Christian. I have had to disassociate myself from most Evangelical churches. Their blind faith to all Israel does, and disdain for other faiths, especially Islam, is troubling.
  • this crazy old woman, soft-spoken and sweet. but the heart is full of discrimination and the pocket is full of dollars!
  • @veroland3768
    I'm a native American that follows no organized religion and connected to my nation's spirituality. I pray that the Palestinian people get their land back.
  • @celia2726
    The amount of self control it must take to not lose your shit while interviewing people like Sharon is astounding. Thank you for this work - it is changing lives and spreading the truth.
  • @i6power30
    As a Catholic Christian, this is very eye opening and can't believe how some Christians have strayed far away from God'ss love because of racism and bigotry.
  • As a Catholic, I am always shocked of how other "christians" interpret Bible in a very definite, literal way. Didn't God teach us to love our neighbour?
  • I fear that Jesus must weep to see what “Christian” Zionism has done to his church. I tremble at the time when his patience will end and his wrath descends upon this world.