ET Trickjumping Video 2

This is my second jump movie made shortly after the first one so I still suck at editing, but I got a little bit better, notice my cheesey attempts to blend everything? Also still not too good when I made this but eh. Enjoy.


コメント (21)
  • Once again, enjoyable song and entertaining video. Which servers do you usually play this on/recommend?
  • @shluke
    I'm likeing your video's so far m8. Nice one.
  • @Timozu
    omg.. memories!!.. nice vid
  • @Fleshy
    Chaos that was Alice in Chains: Down in a Hole... they're grunge (think nirvana) era. Shluke thanks for the comments, xfire is "lespea"... note that i'm rarely on since I don't really have time for games though :(
  • @higz
    would have been a bit better if you could of gotten a bit more innovative jumps then an overused, easy map. Also, I think it would have been an improvement if you didn't capture any of the flags except for the necessary ones (the 9th? or whichever one is necessary to flip switch and the last one).
  • @shluke
    Sorry but I forgot to ask in the other one.. Do you have xfire fleshy?
  • @Fleshy
    Let me check... Umm, no. Sorry, but thanks for playing! You win: absolutely nothing!!!
  • @Fleshy
    Well I basically got out of the scene, and gaming in general I supose quite a while ago so I can't really recommend to you a server, but I know that since I left jumping has really taken off so there should be a bunch that you can find. I'd tell you my old server but they went defunct some time ago, so that wouldn't do you much good huh?
  • @puudub
    Oh lahe eesti :p. Emm Eesti patch ka. Ma ei tea tõmbasin ka endale selle kuid BunkBusterile ei meeldind ning pidin tegema re-instanni. Min nimi sul muidu :D. Aa 1 kyssa veel tegin endal ka trickjump movie valmis. Et kaua sul sellist movit uploadis siin???
  • @Fleshy
    Also, thanks everybody for the complements btw, I haven't really checked them out since I put these up here so sorry for not replying to any questions posted. Maybe in the future I'll get back into it and make another one... who knows?
  • @Sy3m
    here : No flag captured except the 10th. For trickjump servers go here and search for "TJ" or "trickjump" and you'll find some. is one of my favorite (used to be ref) this is a german [KG] clan trickjump server
  • @DukeP00L
    when u record type in console /cg_draw2d 0 this will not show things like hp, fire team, stars, characters head, etc... your videos will look better See my videos for new kind of jumps! :D