What Happened To Minecraft's New Combat Update?

Published 2023-08-05

All Comments (21)
  • @johnsledge3942
    I actually really enjoyed the weapon cooldown in 1.9, but I also never did any competitive pvp
  • @ruinknightsir
    I was one of the few players that liked the combat update better because it punished me less for having bad ping (and fps) at the time.
  • @ramenslug1383
    ngl the combat snapshots felt more like a combat game than most of the other versions imo. The versatility it added would have been amazing and it balanced out the problem of the axe being meta for nearly all of early- late mid game while the sword was only good during diamond/netherite combat (except end crystals existing which is a whole different problem).
  • @impliqued1910
    Like many players i actually really liked the update, it makes it feel more like a game and less like "click faster than your enemy". Now you kinda have to get good angles and approaches, which was like that before but greatly overshadowed by having an autoclicker for a hand.
  • @Perstob
    I believe a lot of the reason why the update was halted was cuz of the un-named virus which caused lockdowns around the world making it harder for the devs to work on the base game forcing jeb to work more on the base game than the combat update 2.0 and he still has a ton of work ahead of him, plus i think he said he was going to start work on it again like a few months ago.
  • @aylanj123
    Along with these updates, I would add 4 new combat items: - Scythe: Has medium range and a great sweep attack. Can hit shields through the borders hitting the player instead. - Long Sword: Has long range and a powerful sweep attack. Higher cooldown. - Small shield: Has a lot less area of protection but doesn't slow the player down. - Short bow: Doesn't slow the player but deals less damage and has worse accuracy. Can add some changes like making normal bow the "Short bow" but add a long bow for sniping. Also, the normal shield can have it's protection area buffed.
  • @muppet0
    As a top level 1.9 competitive pvper (and someone who played extensively on both major versions of combat since 2014) I can confidently say that the "majority" of the community that you keep referring to that Jeb "wasn't listening to" is not actually a majority. There's a reason that SMP and Manhunt type videos vastly overtook Bedwars content in the last couple years: 1.8 pvp is boring and repetitive. There is very little variety because no matter which way you slice it, at the end of the day it's nearly all about CPS. And there is very little skill in clicking fast: buy a Glorious mouse and learn how to double butterfly at 22 cps and that's basically it. The 1.9 combat update and the many that have succeeded it brought incredible new gamemodes to Minecraft pvp that are all a universe different from each other. The old modes similar to 1.8 modes like potpvp, ffa, and uhc retained many of their original elements (which can be seen in the migration of many top 1.8 pvpers moving to 1.9 in those modes. For example, caseload on potpvp, vexaay and minemanner on ffa, etc) but now have more skill because of added mechanics. FFA isn't just about clicking fast, jump resetting, and hit selecting, there is now more strategy than traditional boxing. Pot is more interesting and fast paced (especially with loka damage which increases melee attacks by 33%). UHC has an even higher skill cap partially due to the shield. And the modes that 1.9 created like Netherite Pot (which is pot with reduced kb, gaps and totems), Crystal, and axe require a vast knowledge of many different mechanics for mastery, not just clicking fast. In conclusion, the majority of the Minecraft PvP community isn't represented by a few idiots on Reddit with big mouths who can type 150 wpm. The next time you think about making a video like this, I encourage you to do your research by stepping out of your bubble of diehard 1.8 mains, because to me there is a sufficient lack of proof that Jeb needs to think about changing the combat system again "because that's what the majority wants". And like you I many years ago thought I would never play 1.9+ because I loved 1.8 pvp and I spent a lot of time learning it. But I was wrong. 1.8 is boring. That's why it's dying. The stats don't lie.
  • @keegabooshoo
    Here's my theory: In 1.9 the end and combat were updated. At the current moment the end needs some serious work expecting it to be updated in 1.21 or 1.22. So they might continue the trend and and the combat along side the end. A lot of work has already been done in the combat test snapshots so it wouldn't be too much of a hassle. Just a thought
  • @FuzzymothGames
    it honestly confuses me why people hate the combat update so much, i find it to be much more skill based than just "who can click the fastest" with the exception of shields, those things suck
  • @indigo_onion
    even if the 1.9 update was disliked, i fee it created a more balanced playing field for players no matter what equipment they have. It was no longer about who has the better mouse or the one that can double click, and rather became more skill based. Although having a better pc, keyboard, or mouse does help, it’s less beneficial, meaning it’s slightly more balanced as not everyone has money to spend on good mice, keyboards, and pcs.
  • @ohsoyellow3440
    to be honest, i hate the 1.9 combat update for competetive pvp but it makes the game so much more fun in survival because it makes the game a bit harder and makes u use strategies Update : I get that people disagree with my opinion but if u have a problem with it just get off youtube. Its not the end of the world if i have an opinion different to yours.
  • @ooooggll
    I really liked the combat update. There was nothing fun about spam clicking, especially when it was so easy to just get an auto clicker.
  • @zakmes
    1.9 pvp is very unique and good imo, I dont want it to change
  • @Vendetta_killer
    I really want a new Combat update like the tests snapshots
  • @gamingonfire1530
    I think that Minecraft's combat system is very unique compared to most games and is still enjoyable
  • @blakeholtzman5974
    uh oh we added a slight amount of skill to minecraft instead of making it a cookie clicker game in pvp
  • @PowerfulChain47
    Minecraft players when they actually need to think in a combat: :face-purple-crying::face-purple-crying::face-purple-crying::face-purple-crying::face-purple-crying: By the way, good video, it really is very informative and detailed, I hope you continue with what you are doing
  • @gamingonfire1530
    I like the new pvp version over 1.8 a lot more skilled based and it really isn't as hard to adapt to as most people conplained
  • @lasercraft32
    The silliest part of this is that you can literally remove the attack cooldown using attribute nbt tags on items, so all those pvp servers that are stuck in 1.8 and aren't able to use any of the newer features would still be able to keep their spam-click pvp style even if they updated to newer versions.
  • @user-bx4go2jr2r
    If splitting a Minecraft update into two parts was to prevent being overwhelmed, explain modders adding tons more in just a few days