Stupid Watergate II: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Published 2018-06-10
John Oliver explains how the president and his allies are going full O. J. in order to undermine the investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election.

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All Comments (21)
  • @KayleeCee
    I never watch Fox News so I had no idea how batshit crazy it is. No wonder Fox News viewers are so detached from reality. I read an article about a guy whose father had always been a kind and empathetic man who never had a bad thing to say about immigrants, Muslims, people of color, etc. When this guys dad retired he got into the habit of watching tv most of the day. At first he would watch a variety of shows, but gradually he started watching Fox News more and more until it was the only thing that he was watching. Then he started listening to Rush Limbaugh and Alex Jones whenever he was in the car. This guy said that within a year of retiring his dad had been completely brainwashed by Fox News and similar media. He said that now his dad bitches about illegals taking jobs and collecting welfare, Muslims and Jews taking over the country, and referring to black people using the n word and saying that they have no respect for authority and ought to know their place. This man says that he doesn't even recognize his dad anymore. That's the danger of this kind of over the top media, regardless of its slant. They might throw in just enough real news to make themselves look legitimate, but the rest of it is fear mongering, hate mongering, and brainwashing.
  • "Give me facts and even if you do I won't believe them" May as well be the slogan of the current GOP
  • @nolant5791
    Some of my favorite quotes: "If it is a witch hunt, witches exist." ❤ "Oh yeah, they were FUUUCCCCKKKINNGGG."
  • @DeadGamerGirl
    My only problem here is that the "Sock Slider" deserves more credit as a device for helping disabled people. For someone with limited leg mobility it could be a great "I can do this on my own" device. There's just not enough love for devices whose commercials seem funny, but are actually meant for people who are not in the advertisement.
  • @Vooblebooble
    Whataboutism is basically the adult equivalent of "but she started it!"
  • @saianand.n
    Hannity is like that Flat Earther who asks for proof of the curve, and then says "I don't believe this" when you give it to them and walks away.
  • @matchu3
    It's incredibly satisfying to watch these episodes years later
  • @jonnibald5276
    I love that the whatabout screen featured "the Olsen twin". Just a reminder that the Olsen twin is actually one person vibrating so fast that she looks like two people. Keep up the good work John
  • "We primarily advertise on Fox because we find their viewership to be extremely gullible and much easier to sell than other networks." -Scott Jordon, founder and CEO of SCOTTeVEST
  • @BioLegacy141
    That My Pillow guy became a major figure. I want to jump into a meat grinder.
  • @--enyo--
    Oof. That bit about pardoning himself at the end is hitting hard right now.
  • Sure you can feel sorry for the guy at WSJ who had to read the FBI sexts, but I personally feel more sorry for the guys at this show who have to watch Fox News to gather enough contents for the episodes
  • @RubenHPF
    "Oh yeah they were FUUUUUUUCKIIIIING", is one of John's best ever line deliveries.
  • Almost time for Stupid Watergate part 3. Any time Dump does something illegal we're suddenly all witch hunters.
  • Its a bad sign for a country when a late night comedy show is more news-worthy than the news. God bless America
  • @cookiebandit18
    It is shocking and upsetting that this much of our country isn't even interested in letting the investigation run to its conclusion.
  • @wyattp8479
    We NEED Stupid Watergate III and IV (because theres so much). Please John...
  • The "what about" argument is proof that we need more parents, who have an actual relation to their children. Anyone who has tried it at home "but, what about Steve? He did ..." I'm sure everyone got the same answer: "we are not talking about Steve, we're talking about you, what do you have to say for yourself?"