14 Self-Defense Tips That Might Save Your Life

Publicado 2017-11-01
There are some well-known safety recommendations, such as avoid walking alone in the dark streets, don't let strangers enter your house, or don't sit in a car with an unknown person.
How to behave if you have been grabbed by hand? Where to stay in an elevator? Which safety apps are worth using? You will f if you find out the answers in our new video.

Clench your hands correctly 1:02
How to break free of cord 1:38
How to break free of duct tape 2:00
Remember the vulnerable areas 2:20
Use security apps 3:01
Invent a code word 3:20
Use the materials on hand 3:57
Keep your pepper spray in the right place 4:44
If you have been grabbed by the hand 5:16
If you have been grabbed by the hair 5:48
If you have been grabbed by the neck 6:16
In an elevator 6:30
In a car 6:52
Learn to administer first aid 7:21
Be on guard 7:46
Keep your distance 8:06
Keep your palms in front of you 8:19
Scream 8:42
Run 9:26

- Music in your headphones, the screen of your smartphone, or just the habit of looking under your feet might distract you from noticing a perpetrator. Look around and behind you from time to time: if the assailant loses the element of surprise, he might change his mind about attacking.
- This is not only a defensive position (just make sure that your hands are on the same level with your chin, and your elbows are half-bent) but also a conciliatory one. This is a way of saying: "Calm down. Let's settle this in peace." At the same time, you let the attacker know that you are capable of fighting back.
- Try to avoid being cornered at all costs. Even if the assailant is bearing down on you, don't step back. Move aside, and try to change your movement trajectory.
- Though you might be skeptical at first about how effective it is, let it sink in for a bit.
If you shout (the best way is to try to sound not scared but angry), it will confuse the attacker. Why? Do you know what is the reaction 80 percent of all people have when they are being attacked? It might be a revelation for you, but they freeze and lose their voice.
- Even if you master all the tricks, you still won't be a superhero. There's no need to try your physical strength against an assailant. Your main objective is to stay in one piece. These are your three immediate goals: wrench free, disorient the attacker, escape.

These are the tips that can help you stay safe. But to tell you the truth, we hope you will never have to use them.

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @karenmullen7431
    Acting or actually reacting angry and loud or crazy talking to yourself and out LOUD when you must walk alone at night or into a parking garage works(s) wonders!
  • "Don't get in a car with a unknown stranger" lift, uber, taxis well that rule is broken
  • @arcticedge2022
    “Don’t get into a car with a stranger” Then what’s Uber?
  • @user-bj7dw6tv5c
    Don't let strangers enter your house, and don't sit in a car with an unknown person. NAHHHHHH, REALLY? I THOUGHT THAT WAS ALRIGHT
  • TIMESTAMPS Clench your hands correctly 1:02 How to break free of cord 1:38 How to break free of duct tape 2:00 Remember the vulnerable areas 2:20 Use security apps 3:01 Invent a code word 3:20 Use the materials on hand 3:57 Keep your pepper spray in the right place 4:44 If you have been grabbed by the hand 5:16 If you have been grabbed by the hair 5:48 If you have been grabbed by the neck 6:16 In an elevator 6:30 In a car 6:52 Learn to administer first aid 7:21 Be on guard 7:46 Keep your distance 8:06 Keep your palms in front of you 8:19 Scream 8:42 Run 9:26
  • @InspirativeMind
    This should have been posted before Halloween night 👀😳 Be safe y’all!!! 🙏
  • This video makes me want to NOT trust people even more. Just stay away from any gathering of humans and stay away from possible "ambush" areas.
  • @redhawkfour
    For the record, another vulnerable spot is your liver, or the right side of your body. Enough force in the area will cause you collapse.
  • @gracelee1516
    I don’t really like the assumption that it’s always going to be a man attacking a woman, it could be a woman on a woman, a man on a man or a woman on a man 😂🙄🙄
  • @ronnie5825
    Also, another helpful one: if you are grabbed from behind, its best to kick the attacker in their knees. Then once you are free, knee them in their stomach then run 😊
  • @TrapstarWock
    am i the only one who pauses my videos at 0:01 seconds in to scroll down and read comments...?
  • @hetrogames6496
    I actually have used a few of these tips before and it saved me much thanks
  • @thenekogamer3893
    I am a male but I would never hurt women if I saw a woman in danger I would try to help them
  • @fred6059
    Scream 'fire'. This makes other people believe they are in danger as well. If you yell 'help', then people will likely ignore you.