Reacting To L Takes From Leftists

Publicado 2024-07-20

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • My white family came from Scandinavia for the Homestead Act. They arrived in 1868. We are white and were never illegal immigrants. My family moved to North Dakota and Minnesota and became farmers. Never illegal. Never owned slaves. Tired of this BS.
  • “All patients who had a baby arent women” Education and common sense have left the chat
  • That doctor is a disgrace. I know she took a bunch of biology classes before she got her PHD but completely chose to ignore it. You can respect your patients but to avoid the fact that only biological women can have babies is absolutely shameful.
  • “You don’t get to choose what they are called.” Actually, when using third person pronouns, other people are literally the only ones who do.
  • "TW" doesn't stand for "Trigger Warning" anymore... It stands for "Truth Warning"
  • Any doctor who says anyone but women can get pregnant should plain and simply have their license revoked.
  • My white family came from Poland. They paid their way here. Even escaping being wanted. They had jobs, a teacher in fact. And learned ENGLISH. They proceeded to take their citizenship ship test after learning about this country in ENGLISH. Now it's in several languages. How are you supposed to work and live in a society that's first language has always been ENGLISH? No other countries change their languages for people. Nope, you go there. You learn their language
  • Shame on Dr. Danielle Jones. I had to unsubscribe from her channel. She’s gross.
  • “Woohoo” and “hoohah” - are you kidding me? My eleven year old uses clear scientific terms and has maturity when speaking about body parts yet Catwoman as a grown adult cannot and does not?
  • My wife gave birth on Sunday. I'm European. Fun go to the toilet, they only have Male, Female and disabled toilets...why, because there is no inbetween
  • People aren't required to be sensitive to your "identity".
  • PEOPLE don't get periods. Women do. PEOPLE don't get pregnant. Women do. PEOPLE don't breastfeed. Women do. Being FEMALE is not a "feeling." It isn't frilly dresses, high heels, long hair, & makeup. I'm sick of seeing my sex erased & trivialize to accommodate everyone else. - Sydney Watson
  • Here's a funny quote from Mama Dr. Jones that I couldn't help but save. I believe she was talking about reproductive rights, but I'm not 100% sure. I just thought it was ironic due to her take on trans ideology. "This changing of language to fit into people's specific boxes is a specific political tactic and is also extremely dangerous. We cannot change the definitions of words to make ourselves feel more comfortable." Lol
  • As a 62 yo woman, I can identify with wanting to get rid of my boobs. I mean, they get in the way and what am I using them for these days? That does NOT mean I'm feeling anything other than a woman.
  • How do you teach your child 'stranger danger' if they are taught in school to keep secrets and not trust their parents?
  • Oh honey… 😂😂😂😂…. I’m born and bred American. And my ancestors had paperwork, legally. And mingled with the Cherokee about 4 generations back 😅
  • Why do they always assume words originate in America. I think it was used in England earlier than slavery. Remember that American English started as English English.
  • Second person gets the "making shit up" award
  • My entire body is against me today, if you know you know. I don’t want to be a woman today, but I am and this is a part of the lived experience of being a woman. I wouldn’t change a thing because I have love for who I am as a human and a woman.