Gaijin FORGOT This Jet | F8U-2 War Thunder


コメント (21)
  • This whole BR "decompression" update has been so chaotic, some jets didn't move up when they should have like the F8U-2 and J-7E, some planes are at the same BR as their upgraded variants like the F-5C, and some jets just got moved up for NO reason at all, like the F-4C. They gotta fix the BRs again
  • @zablinker
    Gotta love gaijins “BR decompression” the Gripen faces Phantoms (Again) lmao
  • Pro tip on the F8, u can split the guns that fire, so u have double the trigger time
  • The whole BR changes feels like doing homework before class...
  • that wing rip issue was the reason I never got into flying that. Nice to see it get buffed a bit.
  • @MANNYzZ
    thanks to all the videos from joob and lee, 10.0 is literally dominated bu F8Us its getting spammed like crazy
  • heres a little tip about the trigger time since the guns are divided into 2 groups, you can set a keybind for swapping primary weapons and only fire two of the guns at once doubling the effective trigger time, sure you have less volume of fire but with high velocity high damage guns like the colts its honestly worth the trade off i use this on the F8 and ESPECIALLY on the F2 Sabre
  • You can double the trigger time if you fire the two pairs of colts independently with the weapon group.
  • I was mad at gaijin for these br changes and i started grinding the us tech tree and about to get this thing and eventually the f14 which are both great planes for their brs ty gaijin
  • The br change is on statistics such as if a plane is played alot than it will have a high chance of changing or if some planes have a high k/d than they will br8ng ot up in br the most visible change is in the french tech tree the ranks and planes are very good but the people that play france aren t begginers so the stats show that a certain tank is destroying every thing at a certain br not because the tanks are op but because the players are playing new ones with less experience, i started playing wt with the french tech tree because i am french and struggled because some 6.7 tanks went up to 7.7 because they were overperforming wich is why the f8e has a low br because no 9ne plays it unless they're new to the rank where they will probably lose al9t make the plane seem bad in gaijin eyes
  • insane too how the french one without flares is the same BR
  • @Mehumatti
    I just unlocked the f8 and i was like "ppl are complaining about wings ripping off" it has only happened to me once
  • Once i figured out you could set a distance fuze on the zunis, everything changed
  • If you want more trigger time the F8 guns are split into 2 groups, you can select them in pairs if you want a shooting profile more similar to like an F5. Many people might not have the button bound to even do this because it's not often needed.
  • @DartStebz
    on the opposite side of the spectrum the J-35XS is now at 11.3 in ARB but still 10.7 in arcade
  • This plane shocked me with how it doesn't lose energy even in circling fights. Also you never get uptiered. Good revenge for all the suffering encountered in 9.3 br