Atomic Heart Review - Is it Worthabuy?

Publicado 2023-02-20

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • Can I just say how pleased I was to see a proper crouch and jumping mechanic in a FPS, there are quite a few times when you have to jump around like in Half life and you must be accurate in your jump timing or you will fall. It really feels good when you nail them jumps and complete a section, I noticed a few reviewers hating this mechanic, one called them frustrating FPS platformer levels...well all I can say to that it you play too many shitty AAA games where jumping is as simple as turning up and pressing a button :) This is proper old school jumping and it's great.
  • I actually felt more like a Jedi in this than I did in SW fallen Order lol
  • @sanitylogic4611
    Game has been in development hell for over 5 years. Happy to see it actually release and look like a solid game
  • @cahill22
    Giving Mack a key is a damn good sign that the devs are confident in their game haha. Looks good; will definitely check it out.
  • @alfredong6850
    You know this is the good shit if Mack is impressed with it.
  • @TheOrangeRoad
    You mean the people in charge aren't a group of checkbox's?
  • @Jameston
    It’s refreshing to see actually good dialogue and comedy especially from a game. Hearing that the villains are solid is a relief too
  • @KepleroGT
    Hacks who praised day 1 Cyberpunk give it a 6/10. You give it an 8/10. I know who I'm trusting.
  • @giannisc.5254
    You get my like just for including the XRay Vision song. Thank you for the review Mack ! I will most definitely be buying this ! Also, seeing a character such as Nora in a game brings tears to my eyes and reminds me of better days where we didn't have to constantly be mindful of PC shit and games were about having fun, even AAA ones.
  • @Virtualnerd101
    How the hell does an FPS game in 2023 not have a FOV slider?
  • Ah nice, another Mick Gordon album comes with a good game as a bonus. I'm definitely going to pick this up when I actually have time to play it, and there's an FOV mod lol.
  • @YacineValfar
    8/10 from mack is a certified banger for me 😆 starting it right now
  • @wille84fin
    Glad to see it's not shit. Definitely will give this one a try. Nice to see devs that aren't afraid to make something a bit edgy/raunchy these days.
  • @akashbhullar
    This gentleman has been making top class reviews since ancient times and his quality has remain steady. I have found his channel just a few days back and I'm binge watching his old videos. Genuine comedian while being precise in his approach in reviews.
  • @Schizm1
    Is this a joke? Usually ANY game without even a single proper PC customization is being pointed out, laughed at and trashed but here? Noooo.... No FOV slider Missing graphical features (game was one of the first games EVER to be advertised as showcase of RT and guess what... it's not even in the game) Mouse acceleration (MOUSE FUCKING ACCELERATION ON PC!!) that you can't turn off Crashes and performance issues on Gamepass version
  • @grumpyoldwizard
    It took me a few minutes for my brain to recognize one or two of those robots. It was haunting me. Turns out they looked just like the robot in Lexx, the crazy sci-fi series that was out years ago.
  • @stormy6029
    Thank you for being a voice of reason once again Mack. I see so many reviewers being "disappointed" in this game, probably because they weren't paid for once to give it good scores.
  • @OrcCorp
    The FPS counter, top left corner? Can't see it on my phone. Zooming the video won't help because of the rounding of the screen corner on my Samsung S21 Plus 😅 would appreciate a larger number 👍🏻 well done otherwise.
  • Unfortunately for me the narrow FOV with no way to raise it is a deal-breaker for me. I couldn't get through Space Marine precisely because of the motion sickness. It's a shame because it looks like a genuinely good game.