Ranking Defense Against the Dark Arts Professors from Worst to Best - Harry Potter Theory

Published 2021-04-06
In today’s video, we’re going to be discussing Defense Against the Dark Arts. Defense Against the Dark Arts is a CORE subject taught at Hogwarts that (purportedly) teaches students how to defend themselves against dark magic. More specifically- we’re going to be taking a look at the Defense Against the Dark Arts teaching role at Hogwarts- and deep diving in to each and every professor- ranking them from worst to best. However, I will mention this - I’m only going to be including the main DADA professors during the storyline of the books. There were many professors BEFORE the earliest professor on this list, and there will be many AFTER the latest professor on this list.

Now, if you’re a proper Harry Potter fan- then you’ll know that the Defense Against the Dark Arts position is cursed. This is because, years ago, Tom Riddle (Voldemort himself) was denied the role- and decided to CURSE the position. The resulting curse meant that, for as long as the role existed, no professor would be able to hold the position for more than 1 school year. And Tom was true to his word- after cursing the role, each and every professor had their own unique reason for vacating the role. With such an abundance of different professors in one role- there has certainly been some variety- and today I want to take a look at each of these unique individuals. Which ones were the worst? The best? Which ones actually..Taught the children something?

Without further ado I present to you: every Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher ranked from WORST to BEST.

   / @mythologyexplained  

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All Comments (21)
  • @SerathDarklands
    Remus Lupin wasn't just the best Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher during the seven books, he was quite possibly the greatest formal teacher Harry ever had, and a genuinely great man.
  • @LyleFrancisDelp
    Lupin was by far the most effective at the art of teaching. He was knowledgeable in the subject, and had the SKILLS, METHODS, and CHARACTER of a great teacher. He encouraged his students and made learning both fun and easy. He also inspired his students to want to do their best. Those are the hallmarks of a great teacher.
  • @CGJ226
    I’d say Harry Potter deserves a spot, he essentially was the DADA teacher in replace of of Umbridge
  • @ohareair552
    The fact that Lockhart is in the middle of this list really says something about the quality of teacher in that role
  • I would put Quirrell above Gilderoy. Quirrell at least taught something beyond how to smile.
  • I like the idea of Dumbledore eventually giving up on trying to break the jinx on D.A.D.A and just using it as a way to dispose of bad wizards and phoneys
  • NGL, I almost cried happy tears to see Lupin at the top of this list. He got so much crap thrown at him in life. He deserves recognition for what an amazing person he was and the amazing job he did. He's basically proof that circumstances don't make a person, choices do.
  • @Jack_of_Hearts4
    I would have switched Quirrell and Lockhart. Also, people tend to put Snape high when they make this list but something to consider is that although Snape was the most talented and powerful out of all of these teachers, I would argue that he wasn't a good teacher. The reason people tended to do terribly in his potion class was that he was overly harsh and played favorites. Harry even commented on this when he was taking his potions OWL. His test went much better than expected because Snape wasn't there. I'm sure it would have been the same when he taught DADA. When people are naturals at a skill, like Snape was with magic, they tend to be terrible at teaching people that same skill. Teaching is a skill all its own and it was one that Snape didn't have. He was unquestionably an amazing wizard but a terrible teacher.
  • @foxes37tete
    I loved lupin he was my favourite character, was literally crying when he died
  • @mcssy
    I actually think that real Mad-Eye Moody would be a pretty good teacher for DADA. He has huge experience, nobody dares to slack in his class and he would for sure teach them the most useful, practical things, even if it's against the curriculum. His attitude with "Constant Vigilance" is just what people needed to learn when the war was about to break.
  • @mixhel1936
    I think the most important aspect about Lupin is that (in book and film) he encourages Neville - who is bullied by Snape - to tackle the boggart, so Neville finds his own power a becomes way more self-confident
  • @GhostG0981
    Harry was also a very good teacher he taught the patronus charm to basically everyone in the DA
  • @chocochipjewel
    My ranking - 7) Umbridge 6) Carrow 5) Lockhart 4) Quirrel 3) Snape 2) "Moody" (Crouch) 1) Lupin
  • @fruitproof115
    One could argue that Snape technically teached Harry the Expilliarmus charm in his second year... which turned out to be quite useful as well ;-)
  • I think we all agree Remus Lupin was the best defence against the dark arts teacher ever
  • Lupin was the best DADA teacher in my opinion. He knew what he was doing, he liked his job, he was good at teaching, and was understanding, different from Snape, who though very talented, was more focused on bullying students rather than teaching them. Barty Crouch as Mad-Eye Moody actually taught them some useful spells as well, kind of prepared Harry to duel Voldemort in that Graveyard.
  • I'd say my top would be Barty Crouch Jr. He taught and gave hints Harry on how to survive the Tri Wizard Tournament, which basically prepared him against Voldermort in the grave yard.
  • I always enjoy reading Lockhart, but it's a crime he was a teacher at Hogwarts, poor students who did their OWL or NEWTS this year..
  • Wonder what kind of spell Voldemort used to curse the DADA position. I can imagine him walking out the front door, turn around with his wand and yell "Butthurtio!"