My Weirdest Commission Story | Art + Storytime

Can you make her not too big and not too thin and no arms and no legs and-

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Porch Swing Days + Monkeys Spinning Monkeys
by Kevin MacLeod

コメント (21)
  • @Iisho
    Loving how the person specified "no giant head" and "must look exactly like the teddy bear" yet the plush they refer to has an enlarged head
  • @didjargo
    I've been an artist with an online presence long enough know that if someone gets this meticulously detailed and specific with their request or commission, it is most definitely a fetish thing.
  • having a giant plushie chilling that scares visitors is so funny, I'm almost tempted to make a huge waluigi
  • @Gutslove
    Asking with such specificity... and also "show me how it's going so I can tell you whether you're doing it wrong" (not the same words but close enough). This person... what?! That Rukia plushie she wanted sounds like something that would cost about $3K-6K 🤯
  • The life-sized "plushie" reveal is hilarious, and in all seriousness, it is incredible that you could sew that by yourself; my mouth went wide open, your work was really good
  • @mlorencetti1
    This person really sounds like me as a ND kid. I'm autistic and as a kid I often had ridiculously specific ideas and really fantasized about having things that had to be perfect. I never reached out to someone to make those ideas come true but my diary was full of blueprints for stuff I wanted. So, like, I don't think this person is necessarily a fetichist - it's a possibility as well, but sometimes people are just pretty weird lol
  • The way she specified that it needs a humanoid figure and realistic build but also teddy bear proportions really scares me. I'm picturing a re-skinned fleshtone teddy bear with a human girls face and I don't like it.
  • oh god xD The weirdest commission I've gotten was this guy who was trying to bypass my "no nsfw" rule by asking for the person to be drawn with a lot of glue on them...
  • As someone who has been making plushies for a few years (Usually around 6 inches in height), hearing the absolutely ludicrous requests this person had caused me physical and mental pain
  • That person is probably still out there somewhere trying to get a lifesize anime doll commission for under $1k. 😂👍
  • @catsupy
    I'm pretty sure Star knows what they're doing, but please if you're a newer artist, take my advice! If you get a message from someone like this, who is dead-set on every single detail, either jack up your price HEAVILY, have them sign a contract, and/or limit the amount of edits they can requests, because if you get ONE thing "wrong" (such as a single strand of hair being 1cm too long,) they'll demand a refund. I know this from experience. Save yourself the headache. if someone comes off as being this picky, take it as a red-flag. I took on this person's commission because I felt bad for them. Apparently no one would take them on as a client. I know why now.
  • You know, after everything I've been through and experienced on the "Art Side" of the internet, the strangest thing to me in all of this was that they wanted it to be "Life Sized" 5'10"-ish when Rukia is, canonically, a literal foot shorter than that at 4'9"
  • “69 inches tall- nice-“ Bro this caught me off guard and I cackled for a bit afterward
  • Idk but I'm really invested in that crab cube. more of crab cube please
  • I always send commission requests but man if this person is willing to pay $3000 on that life size doll, that's some dedication thanks for sharing this brighten my day 😆🤣
  • DA commissioner's are a different breed 😱 im still turning it over in my head for the email you got with the teddybear, if they wanted the portions of the teddybear or just, like, a person that tall which would prolly look very gangly and dare i sare scarecrow like 🧑‍🌾
  • Now what we should do is just spam requests for "a life-sized Rukia from the Bleach anime with teddy-bear sized proportions but not too skinny or too wide with a head that's not too big that is really cuddly and also five foot nine so that it can be like a big sister to me"
  • I'd like to believe she did go and learn how to make her own giant plushie and is happily snuggling with it right now! Maybe she's even been inspired to make more crafting projects of varying scales! Speaking of Bleach-related projects, I've been working on my own sword for a cosplay with... some success... I guess. It definitely hasn't gone as smoothly as I had hoped, but it'll do for now!
  • My mom walked over when you were talking about your life sized doll and said something along the lines of "oh him? That's awesome!"