Indian peace activist: 'Anti-Muslim violence in India is central to BJP's ideological core'

Published 2024-07-26
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) lost its majority in recent national elections. Yet its Hindu nationalist agenda continues to result in religious extremism and targeting of minorities. According to the Indian Association for Protection of Civil Rights (APCR), there’s been a surge in religious violence since the start of Modi’s new term. The non-governmental organization has recorded eight lynchings in June alone. By comparison, there were 21 lynchings in the whole of 2023. The fresh spate of attacks have especially put Indian Muslims on edge in states like Uttar Pradesh.

Chapter Breakdown
0:00 DW’s Adil Bhat reports on the increase in anti-Muslim hatred from Aligarh
4:15 - Harsh Mander, peace activist, author , Director of Centre for Equity Studies, discusses the anti-Muslim hatred enshrined in Hindu nationalism

#hindunationalism #anti-muslimviolence #Indialynching


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All Comments (21)
  • Germany is facing the same issues.. they distroyed a mosque last week.. now they are preaching us😂😂 lo
  • @henrik908
    I heard something about Paris Olympics lol 😂 .
  • Sentiment is similar in Pakistan and Iran, if your minority... you could be face with the same.
  • @S.P.01
    Harsh Mandar runs his own human rights NGOs and releases his agenda based investigation reports via NGOs, goes to Supreme Court and files Public Interest Litigations based on these reports. Supreme Court of India caught him red handed and reprimanded him once.😂
  • Now i am happy that Europe whether its Britain france or Germany will see real democracy after increase of one of the most peace full community in numbers😊 😅😊
  • @dem0n595
    So what? India should learn from UK, how to treat there minorities 🤣🤣. Europe is on path of its doom.
  • It's only people of one religion that keep complaining about persecution all the time and in every country they are in..they cannot adjust with any other community or religion and think that the problem is always with the other side..
  • @S.P.01
    Lol.. Harsh Mandar is presented peace activist? 😂😂 What a Joke. It is like saying Kamala Harris is Republican.
  • Yes, now green insects everywhere in europe and usa.😂😂 And taking advantage of democracy.
  • Do one thing if you are too worried about them please give them shelter in your country and then see the magic'
  • @Vijay1989
    Berlin will soon be calling itself Berlinabad!
  • @worldJSR
    India was never a secular country, India was partitioned for one religion, otherwise there was no country called Pakistan or Bangladesh, Also the term secular itself not so secular , its about the relation & jurisdiction of church & state .
  • @gopaljee1467
    Secular country😂 India was divided on the basis of religion
  • @PK-nb7fb
    One section of people are deliberately tarnashing the image of BJP, it's all politics. Show to the world what's happening with minorities in Pakistan and Bangladesh.
  • 20 cr population is more than all countries in the world baring few handful countries What minority are you talking about They need to behave properly