Surgeon Q&A: Bicuspid Aortic Valve & Valve Sparing Root Replacement Advantages with Dr. Eric Roselli

Published 2022-06-23 - Selecting the optimal treatment of Bicuspid Aortic Valves (BAV) in patients with aortic aneurysms can be confusing. There are different types of aortic valve repair and aortic valve replacement operations available to patients depending on valve disease type, aneurysm size/position, patient risk factors, and surgeon skill sets.

In this video, Dr. Eric Roselli, the Chief of Adult Cardiac Surgery at Cleveland Clinic, addresses the use of "valve-sparing" techniques designed to preserve (or reconstruct) the aortic valve to provide patients several advantages compared to traditional procedures including (i) mechanical or tissue valve replacement and (Ii) Bentall operations.

Key questions addressed by Dr. Eric Roselli include:

1. According to a recent survey, 33% of patients at have bicuspid aortic valves and 20% of patients have aortic aneurysms. What 3 things should patients know about the relationship between bicuspid aortic valves and aneurysms?

2. What is Dr. Roselli's recommended treatment for bicuspid valve and aneurysm patients? Why?

3. What are the patient advantages of valve-sparing procedures?

4. Why are valve-sparing aortic root replacement operations more complex than other bicuspid aortic valve and aneurysm treatments?

5. What are Cleveland Clinic’s outcomes for bicuspid aortic valve-sparing patients?

6. Why are valve-sparing procedure outcomes so important for patients to research and learn about?

7. What is Dr. Roselli's number one piece of advice for bicuspid aortic valve patients who are also diagnosed with aneurysms?

To learn more or schedule a consult with Dr. Eric Roselli, please call (866) 306-5846. To see patient reviews and a surgeon biography for Dr. Roselli, please visit….

All Comments (9)
  • Dr. Roselli was my surgeon 7 months ago. I had an aortic aneurysm caused by a bicuspid valve, unfortunately, he could not spare the valve because there was too much plaque buildup on the valve leaflets, so we had to replace the valve and a section of my aorta. Plus I needed a single bypass, so I got several procedures with one open-heart surgery. Feeling great here! I’ve started back running, exercising every day. Dr. Roselli‘s team is the best.
  • Dr. Eric Roselli will be operating on my husband in February 2023. We are so hopeful.
  • @janselvar8603
    I learn so much from your site. Thank you. 56 and had a emergent Type A dissection while on vacation. Home 30 days later; four subsequent surgeries. In Seattle. That was three years ago and I am still kick’s. I have a pig valve, never met my surgeon and got home safely to Seattle. Scary …. Your site helps me. So much to learn. I’ve also had AML leukemia twice; one before my dissection and reoccurred after. Stem cell survivor of two years now. Crazy but here I am. I’ve often wondered if I should have gone outside of Seattle but far too challenging given all my treatments. Keep helping us learn please.
  • Hi i had bicuspid valve i had dizziness chest pain symptoms like hearth diseases but after many tests doctors told me valves are still working my question is is this possible that my valves works all of my life or it is gonna be broken one day also is this possible that bicuspid valve works like normal one without any symptoms? And is this possible to fix my own to work for all of my life ? Thank you
  • Hi Adam I'm from sudan and medical student when I was 6 month old idiagnosd with vsd now I'm 24 years and diagnosed with severe AR due to prolapsed aortic cusp inside right ventricle and most regurgitated blood in RV and some pulmonary stenosis the doctor said to me its prevent eisenmenger reaction LV 7,9 EF 55% so what is appropriate surgical method for me can you tell any cardiac surgeon in 🇺🇸 us about my case and I hope to give an answer by the way I'm one of your flowers 💐 thanks so much
  • I had this done at johns hopkins baltimore by the best(Dr Duke Cameron) in 2009 Since then ive lost 270lbs,and i can run 10 miles now He did an excellent job My heart is ticking like a timex