oz. me and my asperger's. movies with an aspie. 1st film - "devil"

Published 2020-07-18
oz here. this is: oz me and my asperger's and this is the 1st in the movie talk series, movies with an aspie. the film is "devil". 2010. directed by: john erick dowdle. story by and produced by: m. night shyamalan. starring chris messina and logan marshall-green. not sure why hollywood has not put logan and tom hardy in a film together. they literally look like the same person. when i saw "prometheus" i said to myself, "how did i not know tom hardy was in this?". tom was great in "inception".

All Comments (4)
  • and of course you must remember that all of this is to give you (the n.t.'s) of the world, a little glimpse into the "mind" of someone with asperger's. our brains are wired differently so we are seeing things from a completely different perspective. ours. which is always very unique.
  • got'cha on that pov. i actually thought about that but my whole thing is the movie they gave us was a horror film (they say supernatural thriller) and it was very good (as that) then they completely switch up and go in this other direction for the ending. it was a complete let down for me. and he "killed" them in an auto accident. driving drunk. beer. left a note on the windshield "so sorry".
  • @megaJ0Y
    Interesting movie. Maybe the writer thought that the forgiveness would be another form of torture to the young man. He had to live with doing something so terrible and then not understand why he was being forgiven.