Conversation about the Shift with Trance Angel Channeller and healer Anne Tucker

This is a rich conversation with Anne Tucker who is a trance channel for angel guidance, as well as an author and healer. She has a very active YouTube channel with a weekly message from the angels which is very relevant for our current evolutionary times.
Anne's YouTube channel:    / @annetucker  .

コメント (21)
  • My Buddhist practice I do is sending loving kindness to all living beings. “Hatred is never overcome by hatred in this world. Hatred is only overcome by love. This is an eternal law.” Buddha And as the rock band Flickerstick wrote, ‘with love we will survive’ Love is the key 🔑
  • Pam may I ask you please consider doing a monthly collaboration with Anne? 🙏🏽 I’m certain MANY will agree that would be absolutely appreciated! Divine blessings dearest 💞♾️🙏🏽
  • I am so ready for a more loving world!!! Thank you!!!❤❤❤
  • "We are going to be alright." Thank you for this talk.
  • Many of us have tremendous trust and regard for Pam, so having her share this time with Anne is a powerful moment and endorsement for Anne and her angels.
  • A little scary for what's happening short-term for the US, but thinking long-term, may whatever happens be for the best for all. 🥰
  • Oh my gosh what a breath of fresh air… I got sucked into the chaos going on in America now and my vibration totoally dropped!! I love you Pam raising the worlds frequency. Yes most loved in 🌎 , highest views etc. angel goddess 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
  • Pam, this has to be one of the most amazing video you have done. The energy in this one was just off the charts. Such joy and excitement was shared. Very uplifting!!!❤
  • A few months back i had a dream where i lived everyday from that date until November 20th 2024. In the dream an incredible angelic being came to me and spoke of the results of the election and other events that have since happened. I have only spoken with a few close friends about it because of how crazy it was. In the dream the last day I walked outside of the building i was in into pure white light and then woke up. When it was talked about the flash of light i had electricity shooting through me because for the first time in several months I had an answer to that moment. Amazing conversation and grateful for both of you being brave and speaking about this: ❤❤❤
  • Wonderful seeing the two of you together. Thanks so much for all that you shared.
  • How exciting! My two favourite youtubers together. Fabulous to listen to you both discuss such an important topic together Thank you ! ❤
  • Ah, Pam, you ALWAYS sound so excited when you speak, which of course makes us feel excited. Thank you to you both 🌞💛
  • Please, please do more of these together! It gave me a better understanding of it all ❤️ Thank you!
  • Both of you beam out bright loving grounded light. Thank you ❤
  • Thank you ladies🙏🏻. There are now so many astrologers and readers who have all these similar messages and information! It’s like a Convergence of information for knowledge and preparation. May love reign through all of this🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻
  • AMAZING collaboration, ladies ❤ Thank you ✨️ Much appreciation to you both ✨️
  • Oh, JOY!!! Anne Tucker AND Pam Gregory!!!! I follow both of you, so it's an absolute delight to find the two of you together!!!!!! "Whooo-hoo!"
  • @lz8484
    I've listened to Pam for many years!
  • @dee8714
    I’ve had this very strong feeling for months, that neither Trump nor Biden will be the next President!