Confessions of an Unwilling Fragcommer

Published 2024-07-15
My experiences on a particular stream on a channel called MrSmelly1977 is what this is about. I have finally spilled all the beans and I give you my honest and unabashed opinions and views on the people that appeared there, including the host himself.

All Comments (6)
  • I liked Amanda she was entertaining, better than Clemence. But I preferred Cuddles, Kevin and you and maybe some of the other lively characters which Dan was afraid to have on, because he doesn't want to be upstaged.
  • Bravo dobri moj Slavek odlican videošŸ˜Šā¤ā¤ā¤
  • @Knightmare456
    I pretty much agree Boz, you know what I think of Amanda, I donā€™t like Basic, I get the feeling heā€™s a male chauvinist, I get a bad vibe from him. DDLDā€™s a bit of a tosser, heā€™s got banter but it doesnā€™t translate to my countries banter, itā€™s probably ā€˜Phillyā€™ banter. I think Mr Clean is a good guy deep down, but somewhat pretentious and in the closet. I canā€™t say anything bad about Margie though, well apart from that sheā€™s a bit of a ditz. This is a soap opera to me though, I know none of them in real life and have only had minor interactions with them online. They might be totally different in real life to their online personas, like I think Margieā€™s some big shot businesswoman in real life.