When I STOPPED praying, my prayers came true (secret of reality)

Published 2024-07-16
When I stopped praying for things, I started manifesting my desires. Little did I know that my mindset and beliefs about prayer and God were the main things preventing my prayers from being fulfilled. In this video, I share why I stopped praying when I learned a secret of reality. This secret showed me how prayer & manifestation really work, and in this video, I share how you can learn and apply it to your own life and experience transformation.

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#prayer #manifestation #lawofassumption

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All Comments (16)
  • Yes, yes, yes... when I pray from a place of gratitude and thanking God (Universe) in advance, there is a complete shift in me and the outcome. This keeps me from being a victim and it allows me to see my truth, that God always has my back!!! Great job and thank you for such a beautiful reminder in who we truly are!!! Powerful beings!!!
  • When I feel the feeling from my God Self, I become thankful for receiving it. This vibration makes it more real.
  • @ourdan14
    Thank your brother ❤ You and Neville Goddard completely changed how I now perceive bible and Jesus teachings. Most people pray because of lack but key here is to feel abundance and not fulfill all our whims and fantasies. When we discover who we are we understand that we are abundant and full by our nature and lack is ilussion and fear.
  • @Stavo888
    Resonating heavily with this one. I took up transcendental meditation about a year and a half ago partly to use it as a portal into my subconscious so I could get in there and do some rewiring (visualizations, affirmations, etc.), which was frowned upon by my instructor by the way lol but I did it anyway.. it worked, to certain degree. Like for example, I visualized driving a particular vehicle, using the android auto touchscreen, feeling the leather seats.. Even photoshopped a vision board for my home screen in my phone so I could look at it all the time.. Now I'm typing this comment while sitting in that exact vehicle lol the bigger stuff I'm trying to materialize hasn't shown up three-dimensionally yet. But lately I've been feeling like I need stop with the dynamic meditations and switch to just passive ones where I'm just sitting in the void of pure consciousness and taking my foot off the gas pedal and letting the universe unfold the rest of it.
  • Everything is so weird to me. I experienced psychosis where satan wanted to murder me after smoking some weed, trauma and believing I am God. After 13 months of this I was delivered from this and soon afterwards Christ became pretty real to me, a few supernatural occurences here and there. "It is no longer I who lives but Christ who lives in me" Gal 2:20 is a verse I wrote in a notebook and it induced love within me. I would have stayed a devout Christian if I weren't so mentally unstable and socially isolated from society, now I don't really have the mental capacities to understand/comprehend theology in a integrated manner... or maybe I do ... well. Not sure what I want to say. Everything seems to be pretty deceptive. The most important thing is to be a functional member of society to me, everything else doesn't really matter but that's just my wish for survival speaking... I think there is also a guy on the web who truly has figured out "reality". The weird thing is that once I wanted to open his website and before doing so a 666 appeared on my screen.
  • Hey! I just started watching your channel when i came across your teaching on hell. It seems that a god that would put someone in eternal conscious torment would be far more evil than any devil. Lol. Ive recently come to the realization that the god of the old covenant, Yahweh, is not the father of Jesus, and is in fact the devil. I saw videos about this by bobbie collier but felt condemned even considering watching them. Lol. Im glad i finally did. Now I have the complete revelation on it and see it easily. Ive been telling other Christians about it and most all of them refuse to believe it and think Im crazy and deceived for believing it. Im still shocked how most all Christians, who even have the Holy Spirit, have not discovered this. I cant get over it. Indoctrination is so powerful. I now feel alone in my revelation of this because most no one believes me. I cant unsee what ive seen and see it blatantly obvious now. Anyway, i am learning from your videos. I was wondering if you have videos on how to meditate correctly and exactly what it is. Meditation according the bible is thinking on the Word.
  • @jsharp9735
    Divination and manifestation, you think you're in control until you're not.
  • You Reminded me of clark kent super man 😊😊❤ i used to sit outside and stair at the sky, and i would start forming clouds shaped like things i would think about when i really focused my thoughts on it long enough
  • Jesus told us exactly how to pray and what prayer to use. Jesus said that GOD knows what is in our hearts before we even begin to pray.
  • Help me understand how this reflection concept works for little girls who are sexually molested by adult men. That happened to me, and the idea that it manifested on the outside because it was a reflection of my inner reality is both absurd and offensive.
  • I know by experience that ”whatever you pray for in my name you will get” simply is not true. Of course I know Jesus is not a kind of wishing well. Just begged for a more stabile psyche and mind,and a stronger faith for myself.Nothing at all has been ”answered”. I still believe in Christ but he just type not like me. ”Christians” of course can tell me 100 ways I’ve prayed it wrong according to what the bible says. Even though not a single one of them sold all he/she owned for giving the money to the poor. As the bible says… Some verses aren’t so relevant as others obviously. Thanks for sharing your work💙
  • “I am one with God” is such a prideful statement (unless it’s true). Jesus said it and proved it (by being perfect). None of the rest of us should be saying it. As Alan Watts said “in the end no one wants to be God.” Anyone who claims to be one with God needs to be demonstrating 100% of the love that Christ did (and thus suffering what he did). The truth is found in between fundamentalist Christianity and New Age. Neither has the whole truth.