Purple Cow, How to Be Remarkable, and the Secrets of Marketing in 2023: with Seth Godin

Publicado 2023-08-01
#sethgodin #purplecow #marketingsecrets

In a world that changes at blinding speed, the difference between success and failure is often a question of learning to adapt in a way that will serve your customers. What are some of the most important differences between marketing in the past and marketing in 2023, and how can you utilize these changes to grow your business? 

Join Meny Hoffman as he asks entrepreneur, best-selling author, world-famous blogger, and marketing guru Seth Godin about why advertising doesn’t work anymore, Seth’s fascinating innovations, the difference between permission marketing and interruption marketing, how to limit your audience in order to grow your business, why being first is overrated, the reason that you should lead your company like a surfer rather than a golfer, ways to integrate AI into your operations, and much more. 

Seth Godin is an entrepreneur, best-selling author, and speaker. In addition to launching one of the most popular blogs in the world, he has written 21 best-selling books, including The Dip, Linchpin, Purple Cow, Tribes, and What To Do When It's Your Turn (And It's Always Your Turn). His book, This is Marketing, was an instant bestseller in countries around the world. In 2013, Seth was one of just three professionals inducted into the Direct Marketing Hall of Fame, and he was also inducted into the Marketing Hall of Fame as well in 2018. (He might be the only person in both.)

Practical Pointers:

Embrace the Purple Cow Concept: Seth Godin's idea of the purple cow emphasizes creating products or services that are truly remarkable and stand out in the marketplace. Focus on innovation and uniqueness to capture attention and drive word-of-mouth marketing.

Craft Remarkable Experiences: Invest in creating memorable and exceptional customer experiences. This can differentiate your brand and foster loyalty, encouraging repeat business and positive referrals.

Leverage Permission-Based Marketing: Build a marketing strategy that prioritizes obtaining permission to communicate with your audience. This approach respects customer privacy and increases the likelihood of engagement and conversion.

Cut Through the Marketing Clutter: In a saturated market, it's crucial to develop clear, compelling messages that resonate with your target audience. Use storytelling and emotional connections to make your marketing efforts stand out.

Target Specific Audiences with Unique Offerings: Focus on creating products or services tailored to the needs and desires of a specific audience. This targeted approach can lead to higher customer satisfaction and stronger brand loyalty.


- Purple Cow by Seth Godin: 00:01:03

- Seth Godin's books: 00:02:21

- Permission Marketing by Seth Godin: 00:08:15

- Phone automation for restaurants in New York City: 00:17:58

- The Long Tail concept: 00:19:06

- The Song of Significance book: 00:20:19

- The Carbon Almanac: 00:26:23

- AI and its impact on businesses: 00:29:45

- The blog of the speaker: 00:34:25

- The Song of Significance: 00:20:19

- The Zen Master story: 00:32:00

- The new Mission Impossible movie: 00:31:45

- AI, electricity, and their impact on the world: 00:30:52

- The Art of Possibility by Ben Zander and Roz Zander: 00:36:23

Key Quotes:

“Marketing is telling a true story that resonates with your smallest viable audience that they want to hear, that causes them to take action and to tell their friends.” - Seth Godin

“Sales is what happens when we add unscalable human emotion to the marketing equation.” - Seth Godin

“Leadership is voluntary. Leadership is about lighting a path forward and seeing who will follow you.” - Seth Godin

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @efraguerrero
    I don't think there is a wiser, smarter, kinder, more self aware human on the planet then Seth Godin.
  • @danielkey1463
    The stock market is still a fantastic tool for building wealth, however, so it's wise to consider investing even if you don't have much money to spare.
  • @Nodsaibot
    everyone is BLINDED by advertising and marketing, but the key is SALES!!!
  • @quickcinemarecap
    00:04 The Purple Cow is about giving the people you serve something they want to talk about 05:00 Permission-based marketing is about being in people's inbox because they want you there. 09:37 Focus on identifying your target market and their pain points 14:20 Sales and marketing are interconnected, with human connection and emotion playing a crucial role. 19:10 Leadership is about lighting a path forward and exploring the liminal space between here and there. 23:29 Connecting with people in person is different, but virtual connections can still be meaningful. 27:56 AI will have both positive and negative impacts on society 32:15 Consistent daily posting is key to building an online presence.
  • @Hank-ry9bz
    21:05 'trying to control the present to restore the past vs dance with the present to invent the future'
  • @nasermohebbi6202
    Seth Godin, you are the best. You are a purple cow :face-fuchsia-poop-shape:
  • @lion20001
    Hello from Morocco i follow this men 3 years ago when I was 19
  • @10XRIEL
    Seth just gets it and knows how to share it in a relatable way.
  • @c-core9219
    Reputation - Target Audience - Comparing Prices before buying - Embracing AI - Businesses with potential [Affiliate Marketing ] - Shipping - Real Estate - Creating value -
  • @Cyrus0w
    Seth is so well spoken. Love the leadership definition here: 20:00 Great comments on AI and electricity too
  • @jriv75
    Fantastic interview. His book, "The Dip" changed everything for me.
  • @dantenewyork7380
    this is seth at his best. i didn't want to tune him out after listening to that insufferable song of nonsense a few months ago. but this was worth 40 minutes of my finite time for sure. thx
  • @JaneNewAuthor
    The Milton Friedman quote may have applied years ago when companies were owned by many different shareholders. These days major corporations are owned by CEOs, management, and other CEOs and other management. So they've become self perpetuating, purely for their own benefit.
  • @estherroyde4449
    Great interview. Recently bought one of Seth's books, and was surprised that it gave me more profound life insights than anything I have read in a while!
  • @DanielPriestley
    I love Seth. “Seth how do you make a peanut butter sandwich?” “You have to ask yourself if what you’re doing truly matters…”
  • @Onlinesupercoach
    Wow the best Godin interview Ive seen in ages. Great work, new fan of your channel!
  • @SanatanRevival
    Excellent discussion! Getting a glimpse of Seth Godin is always appreciated, thank you for this session.
  • @taoyoka
    “If you don’t stand for something then you’re a narcissist”… ahh would’ve been cool to probe him more on that statement
  • @Isromancedead
    Seth is the best! All his advice is so simple and so clear to understand