Cricket scoring No.5

Published 2020-04-21
No.5 of 22. In this video 'Dot balls' are explained - what they are and where they're recorded on the score sheet.
The next video deals with how you record runs off of the bat.

As with all of these videos I recommend that you practice at home before you try this in a game situation. If there’s no link here for the score sheets, go to Video 1 and use the link to get access to a downloadable word document that you can print off and use.
I then recommend, initially you learn to score using the videos on Youtube of cricket games such as Don Bradman 19, Ashes 19 and Cricket 19. Search for these using “PS4 gameplay ashes 19 full match” and look for the videos that are in excess of 3 hours, as these are usually the unedited versions with all of the details you need to be able to score. These are really good to learn with, because of the pace the game plays out at.
Once you’ve got the hang of it, try it out in real time by scoring full BBL or IPL games on Youtube. With both these approaches you can re-wind or play back the footage slowly when you make mistakes. Then once you’re confident try it for real in a cricket match.

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Update July 2020 – The rate at which I’m producing these videos has dropped off and it’ll be a while before the rest are made. In the meantime a lot of the details and explanations can be found on one of my blogs – click the links here below.………………

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